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Something to add to the prefects around the school


Minecraft IGN: TheVirgoKid101
Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire
To promote travelling and yet still keep them I have an idea.
We could use the fire dust if u want to travel with a prefect. Like the fireplace, the further the location the more expensive. I think this will be good so people still explore, but if they get stuck they can use firedust with the prefects.

aaron ♡

Minecraft IGN: Aarooncia
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Vampire Werewolf Linked
To promote travelling and yet still keep them I have an idea.
We could use the fire dust if u want to travel with a prefect. Like the fireplace, the further the location the more expensive. I think this will be good so people still explore, but if they get stuck they can use firedust with the prefects.
I feel like with the prefects specifically there's no in-between. I know that exploration is most definitely encouraged, but I think that the prefects were put in place so that people could learn about different areas of the school and then be able to get there themselves. I'd also imagine that the exploration aspect would more specifically apply to the towns, such as Diagonal Lane, Gnollberg Port, etc. It would also be somewhat un-canon since you're unable to fire dust or apparate around the castle, technically speaking, I think the way the prefects are set up is that it teleports you with the hope that you learn the route yourself. It says in the message that the prefects know 'sneaky passages' through the castle.
This was also somewhat controversial with the Scarlet NPC as it, at one point, was teleporting you all over the castle and was eventually removed, but then the location journals and eventually the prefect NPCs were added.

To sum it all up, I think we should just keep it how it is as of right now, but that's just me.


Minecraft IGN: TheVirgoKid101
Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire
I feel like with the prefects specifically there's no in-between. I know that exploration is most definitely encouraged, but I think that the prefects were put in place so that people could learn about different areas of the school and then be able to get there themselves. I'd also imagine that the exploration aspect would more specifically apply to the towns, such as Diagonal Lane, Gnollberg Port, etc. It would also be somewhat un-canon since you're unable to fire dust or apparate around the castle, technically speaking, I think the way the prefects are set up is that it teleports you with the hope that you learn the route yourself. It says in the message that the prefects know 'sneaky passages' through the castle.
This was also somewhat controversial with the Scarlet NPC as it, at one point, was teleporting you all over the castle and was eventually removed, but then the location journals and eventually the prefect NPCs were added.

To sum it all up, I think we should just keep it how it is as of right now, but that's just me.
Just wondering, how do u get the picture bellow u with the posts u make? Ive seen others do it, and I wanna know how


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Zxol
Griffin Linked
To promote travelling and yet still keep them I have an idea.
We could use the fire dust if u want to travel with a prefect. Like the fireplace, the further the location the more expensive. I think this will be good so people still explore, but if they get stuck they can use firedust with the prefects.
To be honest people will just abuse it, The floo network and Prefects system are just apart from each others.
The Prefects are for Hogsworth places.
The floo network is just in general if the people already discovered it. They can then teleport to there with a cost of firedust.
It's just simple


Tara Silvius

Minecraft IGN: SLGTara
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Sr. Game Designer Curse Breaker Linked Faerie
Hiya @Yellow_Flower!

Thank you for taking the time to create this suggestion, as we're always looking for ways to improve the server and make it fair and fun for everyone! At this time, I will bring it up to the rest of the staff team, and from there, we will go into discussion. Afterwards, it will be brought up to the Leadership team, and once they reach a final decision, I will return to you with a response!

Thank you again and I hope you have a nice day!

Tara Silvius

Minecraft IGN: SLGTara
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Sr. Game Designer Curse Breaker Linked Faerie
Heya @Yellow_Flower!

Sorry for the wait! I've returned with an update. After discussing it, the leadership team has decided to decline this suggestion. The reason is because want to keep the system free to use so players can get around easier, especially around Hogsworth. Implementing a cost, such as fire dust or gold, would make it harder for players to utilise the Prefects System to teleport and explore the grounds.

Regardless of this, we hope that you'll continue to share more suggestions or feedback! Have a wonderful day!