Hello, thank you for reading. In this thread, I would like to talk about the CE not being fun. Every month I get lots of stress when I see the new dates for the CE's. I know there are a lot of CE's per month, but sadly most of them are in the evening for me and during dinnertime. Furthermore, the ones later in the evening are when I'm at work and I don't want to put off work to play in a CE.
I only play CE's to get collectables and I think most players do, because I don't want to buy them from the marketplace for way too much gold. The activities can be fun sometimes, and the rewards too, but most of the time I get stressed because of the lack of time. RainTM and I have thought of something that would be way more engaging and fun, with less stress. Scrap the CE's and put more effort into the events, because I completed this month's valentines event in 2 days. There could be more quests, more minigames and more places to explore. What would also be a good idea is monthly events instead of monthly dates that are very specific. I hope this can help, and give players a better experience. (I am also happy to read other people's opinions about this topic.)