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Quabbleball Leaderboard Competition


Minecraft IGN: Frebii
Griffin Phoenix SPEW Linked
Okay so it's being argued over and over again that it's not possible to host a Quabbleball Tournament/Class because the tech is not available. So why not do a Quabbleball Tournament Leaderboard wise? It's been already done in the past for several seasonal Minigames.

Here some more reasons why this should be implemented
1. The playerbase has been asking for it for years
2. Would boost the popularity of the gamemode
3. As seen in this post the Staff Team has already considered it as an option in the past https://potterworldmc.com/threads/quabbleball-tournament-for-2-year-anniversary-2021.6814/page-2
4. It would stay true to the Harry Potter lore since there's been a Quidditch Cup itself and none for Dueling or Flying
5. The game Quidditch itself has been a pretty big deal in the Harry Potter universe while its (unintentionally) downplayed on Potterworld
6. Not much work to implement this
7. As for me who has been on the Server since 2017 it's pretty boring to only attend 2 gamemodes (Dueling and Flying) over the years, I'd say it's time for something new. In Flying, people have been starting to memorize maps since the release of Flying Challenges in 2020 and therefore players with a bad ping have to deal with a massive disadvantage going into the match. For Dueling, I can't really say much as I've not been Dueling that much lately but I'd argue since the release of Gear it's definitely gotten more 1 dimensional. As well as you pretty much have to be graduated, spend a lot of gold on it, and in most cases have to have friends that are good at Dueling too.
All (or most) of these disadvantages wouldn't occur by implementing a Quabbleball Leaderboard Tournament.


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf Linked
I agree that it's kinda weird that they don't really promote Quabbleball as much because it's a rather unique gamemode for the server and in Minecraft itself.

Assuming that they follow through on the quabbleball updates and trying to rebalance the game - relating to the data that they got from the quabbleball feedback form - I would think that they have to consider alternate ways to promote the game and get more players to play. I mean, if they do plan any future updates, then what's the point of it if they don't plan to have monthly tournaments or event competitions in the end? The game is fun, but it definitely lacks player interest for some odd reason.


Minecraft IGN: KipxSateee
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven SPEW Linked
Hi @Frebii, and others who left their feedback,

I'm pleased to report that the suggestion has been accepted. As mentioned in this thread, about another Quabbleball suggestion, we have given this some thought, and this something that we would like to do in the near future! While we do not have an estimated time (ETA) for you now, we will update you here once appropriate.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. Regardless, I wish you a wonderful day! :)


Minecraft IGN: Ismoo
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Linked
Hiya @Frebii !

I bring great news as we're happy to say we are implementing Quabbleball tournaments! These will run in the last weekend of each month, and more can be seen from our latest Quabbleball update, which you can read here! Keep an eye out for our first tournament, running from April 28 to 30.

Thank you for this suggestion, and I hope you have a good day/night!