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Returning old spells that will never return forever and add more Events


Minecraft IGN: Tuna2
Griffin Linked
Some people want to learn all the spells to become the Master of all spells for 100% but It will never happened because
1. Survival spell is gone because PotterworldMC was not allowed to keep a survival world and a wizarding world at the same time and being forced to shut it down
2. Flame breathe doesn't even get mentioned by anyone much because it was only a 1 time thing
3. House pride flares was done in 2018 and it has been 4 years already since and there's been tons of other house pride events and the spell has not arrived back since it was also a 1 time thing.
4. Pericumaze was only done in 2016 and it wasn't continued since 2020
5. Amor Vita used to be available in the Valentine's day event but it got removed over time.
So here's my plan for for the 5 spells I mentioned
Remembering Survival Spell: It says Remembering Survival for the past good times so why not add that to the anniversary event because anniversary's usually bring back old stuff and in the past nostalgia of how PotterworldMC was before up till now.
Flame Breathe Spell: I recall there was a circus event but there was no spells to fit the role of the circus I would say since everyone has tons of free time of Summer Vacation the Circus should come of July to August since it's more fun to earn it as a prize when you have enough tokens, Like the other events you need to earn enough tokens to purchase cosmetics and the spell depending what month it is and holiday event.
House Pride Flares Spell: For the House Pride Flares spell should obviously be on House Pride event of March 20 to 23, And I have some ideas to this:
1. Depending on what house you are in you will get it immediately when you join in the game, It's like a short very easy event to come and say happy pride month when you join the spell or have to talk to an NPC in the house depending what house you get to get the House Pride Flares Spell.
2. The staff will do a CE event for the 4 house leaders and the students from the house will battle and do flying competition to see who can earn the most House Pride Points after the 24th of the 25th sorta like a minigame or battle royal who ever get's the most House Pride Points wins the spell for everyone, For the Dueling part it will be a House vs House competition to see which house wins to advance to the next round sorta like challenge/tournament and it has to be a 5v5 battle and only 4 students and the 1 house leader from the house get's to face the other house you have to be the first 4 people to ask to join with the house leader to battle who ever's team beats all the houses wins. For the flying part same situation but with a twist the house leader and students have to cross the finish line before the other house with there house leader finishes, whoever beats house beats all the other 3 houses wins.
3. Who ever's house show's the most pride before the 24th ends wins the spell for the online active people from their house

Pericumaze Spell: The Pericumaze spell can be the maze from the last part of the triwizard cup and you only have a couple of days to get to the end of the maze before the event ends in order to get the spell it can be a once of a year thing for wizard and witches.

Amor Vita: I think it should be readded to the valentine's day of adding another minigame to the parkour section in order to get the spell or purchase it with enough tokens or event reward for completing all the valentine's day quests in order to get this spell.

I'm suggesting all of these because look back to 2016 events up to now of 2022's events slowly but surely there are becoming more less events because of covid-19 kicking tons of people out of offices and workplaces to stop people from doing updates and creating new games, Because of covid-19 A lot of events were cancelled in PotterworldMC but since thing's are starting to be less stressful I feel like some spells could get other people excited of wanting to complete the whole entire spell list and I feel like more events should be more events since everyone was under pressured from covid-19 and I feel like thing's should back to how it was and how it was very exciting of how everyone just can get on and enjoy events this is a very good thing to consider for Ideas.
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Minecraft IGN: Vegas4K
Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
1. Remembering Survival Flares probably won't ever come back especially because you had to grind a very difficult parkour that was lost to time so yes I agree, please remove it from the my character viewer.
2. Flame Breathe, don't really know how to feel about this one. There's a mild possibly it could be a summer event or there could be carnival opportunities like there was during the anniversary event but it seems super unlikely. So yeah I agree with your point, either drop it from the viewer or provide new opportunity to obtain it.
3. House Pride Flares, maybe there could be a way of obtaining it through grinding if you're in the house that won? I don't think it should be a complete freebie but perhaps if you got a lot of points for your house.. also house masters are gone so that's out of the question unfortunately..
4. Pericumaze hasn't been seen for a while but I'm sure there'll be an eventual opportunity to obtain it as mazes still get built and the triwizard one still gets used occasionaly, this post does serve as a good reminder though.
5. Amor Vita, hasn't been seen in the past few events which makes me super hopeful that it'll either double or get swapped with Heartstorm in the next valentines event.
great post tuna


Minecraft IGN: Tuna2
Griffin Linked
1. Remembering Survival Flares probably won't ever come back especially because you had to grind a very difficult parkour that was lost to time so yes I agree, please remove it from the my character viewer.
2. Flame Breathe, don't really know how to feel about this one. There's a mild possibly it could be a summer event or there could be carnival opportunities like there was during the anniversary event but it seems super unlikely. So yeah I agree with your point, either drop it from the viewer or provide new opportunity to obtain it.
3. House Pride Flares, maybe there could be a way of obtaining it through grinding if you're in the house that won? I don't think it should be a complete freebie but perhaps if you got a lot of points for your house.. also house masters are gone so that's out of the question unfortunately..
4. Pericumaze hasn't been seen for a while but I'm sure there'll be an eventual opportunity to obtain it as mazes still get built and the triwizard one still gets used occasionaly, this post does serve as a good reminder though.
5. Amor Vita, hasn't been seen in the past few events which makes me super hopeful that it'll either double or get swapped with Heartstorm in the next valentines event.
great post tuna
Hey thanks! I really think these spells should be added it would be cool to see a wizard or witch and droobledore himself have all the spells because no one in this server has ever been the 1st person alive to have all of these spells in there spell book list, And some others would like to have all the spells like me as a bucket list since I did Graduate and there's nothing much left for me to do so I might aswell try to get these cosmetic spells that I couldn't get before.


Minecraft IGN: cheddarsoup
Auralock Phoenix Serpent Werewolf Linked
I feel like, if anything, a better idea would be to just have those spells listed separately in a grouping called "event spells" or something like that, and not count towards the total spell count. Also keep in mind that the store-bought spells are counted as well, so unless you're planning on spending a lot of money on animorphus stuff, this isn't a realistic goal.


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
I feel like, if anything, a better idea would be to just have those spells listed separately in a grouping called "event spells" or something like that, and not count towards the total spell count. Also keep in mind that the store-bought spells are counted as well, so unless you're planning on spending a lot of money on animorphus stuff, this isn't a realistic goal.
yes but i feel like hes taking about the possibility of earning spell since some spells seem to be impossible to get.


Minecraft IGN: Miss_Strudel
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Vampire VIP Werewolf SPEW Linked
This isn’t the official response or anything I’m just hoping for more of your opinions.

Does anyone have further ideas on how these types of rewards should be unlocked in future events?

I think the issue we run into is that we want to achieve the goals of maintaining the value of these rewards while also locking them behind fun gameplay that fits with our current standards. Let’s take amor vita. It is historically locked behind a very difficult parkour and that is why it’s a high value spell. We can’t really just release it locked behind a hard parkour again because we’ve had a push over the past 2 years towards not locking event rewards behind difficult skill gameplay as that generally yields very poor feedback from everyone but the few that were able to do it. I’d worry about locking it behind completing all the Valentines quests or just being purchased with event tokens because I also wouldn’t want to devalue it from the work that went into earning it before. I get to a place where I feel the main option is then a hard grind, but still worry that may not always work out as very fun to complete.

Anyone reading this please feel free to let me know your thoughts and ideas. I think trying to replicate how the speeder bike was earned this past May 4 event would be nice (skill and winning pvp fights was the fastest way to earn it / those bad at pvp could grind mobs more slowly), but also want more opinions on it.


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
We can’t really just release it locked behind a hard parkour again because we’ve had a push over the past 2 years towards not locking event rewards behind difficult skill gameplay as that generally yields very poor feedback from everyone but the few that were able to do it.
I personally disagree with this statement. If we take amor vita for example, I would rather have the same difficult parkour every year and allow everyone to try to obtain it the same way, rather than not giving it out at all or making it easier to get. It's fine if you don't want to make new gameplay in that manner, but certain things were already there on the server and even if they don't match the new visions, it's better to keep them as they are.
After being here for a long time, I've noticed that players (and staff) began to think that everything needs to be obtainable and easy. Every aspect of the gameplay became less and less skill demanding, and grind took over instead. I understand that people aren't happy when they can't get something, but you have to keep in mind that when amor vita parkour came out, it was one of the only "collectables" in that event. There were no other spells, cosmetics, or special items. Nowadays when we have tons of collectables in a single event, I don't see an issue with just one needing a high level of skill (that isn't grind related either).
skill and winning pvp fights was the fastest way to earn it
PW should chill with the grind. Even if you were the best skilled player, you needed to get more than 1000 pvp kills to buy everything. And you could only do it at certain times, as the game modes were changing each day.
Gameplay outside the events is heavily dependent on grinding, so I think events should be more about something else.


Minecraft IGN: cheddarsoup
Auralock Phoenix Serpent Werewolf Linked
PW should chill with the grind. Even if you were the best skilled player, you needed to get more than 1000 pvp kills to buy everything. And you could only do it at certain times, as the game modes were changing each day.
Gameplay outside the events is heavily dependent on grinding, so I think events should be more about something else.
Yeah going off of this, I’d rather do a very difficult parkour/other challenge one time than do a very easy task hundreds of times.


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf Linked
Events should be fun and adding hardcore parkour to get a spell or collectable to an event would likely kill the vibe for that player. I would much rather grind than be stuck in a parkour for the entire length of the event.

Maybe rethink the idea of getting these spells and do it similar to how Lacerum Incisis is unlocked through doing Gauntlets? Could be through a different set of gauntlets with easier bosses related to the event's spell?

Or possibly bring back the 7th Anniversary build where players had to time travel back to past events and rework it so each section gives out the special event spell. Maybe each section within that 7th anniversary build could require Reputation related Tasks and get the player to grind - or whatever was used to unlock the spell for that event like the amor vita parkour. Tie this with gauntlet related stuff and that could be used to unlock each event section within that 7th anniversary build so that all sections aren't unlocked, but require something done to be unlocked - similar to how the 7th Anniversary event did it with the Temporal Sand. Just make sure to add extra sections for future events that release hard to get spells?


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
adding hardcore parkour to get a spell or collectable to an event would likely kill the vibe for that player
oh no i only got 14/15 collectables, the event is ruined for me because im not skilled enough to finish the parkour.
Yall need to stop thinking like that. Not everything needs to be a grind. I would much rather have a parkour that I cannot finish than needing to do something like the canvas, which was straight up just wasting peoples time with how slow it was (and lets not mention the bugs)


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf Linked
oh no i only got 14/15 collectables, the event is ruined for me because im not skilled enough to finish the parkour.
Yall need to stop thinking like that. Not everything needs to be a grind. I would much rather have a parkour that I cannot finish than needing to do something like the canvas, which was straight up just wasting peoples time with how slow it was (and lets not mention the bugs)
Every player has different preferences so you do you.


Minecraft IGN: Miss_Strudel
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Vampire VIP Werewolf SPEW Linked
@Ivan_ @Somnambulist How do you feel about these types of high-value rewards being earned in multiple ways? Let's say for amor vita, you have the option to A) complete the amor vita parkour OR B) complete a time consuming but mechanically non-demanding challenge. I do hear you that you do not find grind fun and find that sort of skill gameplay fun Ivan. But I also hear that when I release even what I think to be a super easy piece of skill gameplay (ie. I locked the Pride 2021 wand appearance behind a rather easy elytra) we get so many tickets and feedback forms about how it's not fun. I think Potterworld definitely has both types of players and some get very frustrated by long grinds while others get very frustrated by mechanical skill gated rewards. I've never really tried something like that because it sounds extremely difficult to balance with making each method equally as much "work," but idk it could be worth trying so that both types still have fun at the event. I also don't think that would work for everything, like making it so that anyone could grind for a droobledoll would inevitably destroy the value of that item. I've had such a hard time figuring out what to do with that one specifically as it kinda requires making content that isn't meant for everyone when that time could be spent making content that can reach a larger number :') Idk I appreciate you writing up you thoughts, it's a little tricky to navigate.


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
high-value rewards being earned in multiple ways
I would be more than happy with this, because I feel like players would still try to do it faster by completing a harder challenge.
I do hear you that you do not find grind fun and find that sort of skill gameplay fun Ivan
This isnt just about me. Im very vocal about everything on this server, but many people share opinions with me. Potterworld has slowly moved towards the grind, and overall, less skill demanding gameplay. Outside the arena and certain classes, skill isnt being rewarded anymore. Im not sure if I brought this up publicly, but if we take any event, theres a trend where people farm the easiest minigame possible. This isnt simply because those minigames are easiest, its because theyre always most rewarding in a long run. Just look at the rare occasions where there were very difficult maps - they werent worth it at all. The london eye parkour, which is probably the most difficult parkour Potterworld ever had to offer, only gave 80 raw magic in total. I spent 3 hours to finish it, while I couldve just done the easiest parkour 40 times in about 20 minutes. If it gave out like 1000 instead of 80, I bet more people would try it at least (and actually use & practise their skills), and those who did it (and you know the stats and how many people did it) would actually be rewarded.
But I also hear that when I release even what I think to be a super easy piece of skill gameplay (ie. I locked the Pride 2021 wand appearance behind a rather easy elytra) we get so many tickets and feedback forms about how it's not fun. I think Potterworld definitely has both types of players and some get very frustrated by long grinds while others get very frustrated by mechanical skill gated rewards.
Recently, the first kind of players seem to be discriminated. You mentioned star wars, which was fun, but it was also a lot of grind honestly. And again, everybody goes by logic - I need to get everything - which is simply false. You didnt lock all of the rewards behind the *easy* elytra, you locked one of many rewards. So its like, every reward needs to be grinded for, and if theres just a single one thats locked behind something more skill damanding (and in this case, it wasnt even that skill demanding), its an issue. But to many of us who are tired of the grind, all of the other rewards arent the issue?
making content that isn't meant for everyone when that time could be spent making content that can reach a larger number
Two things about this
1. Content that can reach a larger number doesnt need to be another grind
2. The content you made before and that you making now makes a certain type of people leave, and a certain type of people stay. You should always keep that in mind.
btw certain things arent easy to discuss on forums, so if anyone has any questions or just wants to talk about this in more details, you can pm me on discord (Ivan_#8039)
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Minecraft IGN: annivelation
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Sr. Poltergeist Linked
Greetings, @Tuna2 and others that contributed to this suggestion!

Firstly, we would like to thank everyone for their inputs! We have decided to accept this suggestion as we wish to bring back a variety of these spells. Flame Breathe has already been brought back. We hope to return Pericumaze and the House Pride Flares in an event soon, as well as Amor Vita. We will not be bringing back Remembering Survival as that is a spell exclusively for those who played at the time.

Thank you for this suggestion and we hope you all have a fantastic day!


Minecraft IGN: annivelation
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Sr. Poltergeist Linked
Greetings, @Tuna2 and others!

This suggestion is now complete! Over the last two years we have made all of the spells mentioned in this thread available to players in events. The following were added in the 2023 9th Anniversary Event - Pericumaze and House Pride Flares. In the 2024 10th Anniversary Event we also added Amor Vita and Remembering Survival.

Thank you again for this suggestion and I hope you all have a wonderful day!


Notable Magician
Drooble's Order
Minecraft IGN: Deathlish
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Drooble's Order Linked
1. Remembering Survival Flares probably won't ever come back especially because you had to grind a very difficult parkour that was lost to time so yes I agree, please remove it from the my character viewer.
2. Flame Breathe, don't really know how to feel about this one. There's a mild possibly it could be a summer event or there could be carnival opportunities like there was during the anniversary event but it seems super unlikely. So yeah I agree with your point, either drop it from the viewer or provide new opportunity to obtain it.
3. House Pride Flares, maybe there could be a way of obtaining it through grinding if you're in the house that won? I don't think it should be a complete freebie but perhaps if you got a lot of points for your house.. also house masters are gone so that's out of the question unfortunately..
4. Pericumaze hasn't been seen for a while but I'm sure there'll be an eventual opportunity to obtain it as mazes still get built and the triwizard one still gets used occasionaly, this post does serve as a good reminder though.
5. Amor Vita, hasn't been seen in the past few events which makes me super hopeful that it'll either double or get swapped with Heartstorm in the next valentines event.
great post tuna
"1. Remembering Survival Flares probably won't ever come back especially because you had to grind a very difficult parkour that was lost to time so yes I agree, please remove it from the my character viewer. " How wrong you were xd, they returned for 10th anniversary.


Minecraft IGN: cheddarsoup
Auralock Phoenix Serpent Werewolf Linked
"1. Remembering Survival Flares probably won't ever come back especially because you had to grind a very difficult parkour that was lost to time so yes I agree, please remove it from the my character viewer. " How wrong you were xd, they returned for 10th anniversary.
lowkey was really easy to unlock too, feel bad if it was actually difficult the first time around