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Some Suggestions for First Year Quests


Minecraft IGN: MattyPoltergeist
Raven Werewolf Linked
I did the first years quest recently and I actually enjoyed them, but here are some nitpicks:
1) Temperamental (many clicks needeed) getting the class scheduele from the common room board
2) Assigning specific times (e.g. 8 AM - 9 AM) is strange as the times will never be exact to the actual person's time. Many people may do the quests on different days too. It is simply unnecessary
3) It's confusing to be teleported straight from the Serpent Common Rooms, into a travel cutscene, and straight back to the Serpent Common Rooms when getting to the first quest (although it isn't much of a problem)
4) Add nametags above NPCs in cutscenes even if the identity is just '???' (refering to the cutscene in 'First Year Struggles')
5) Bully cutscene in 'First Year Struggles' is very disorientating and teleports you too frequently, not letting focus on the text and storyline in chat
6) The corridor travel cutscene should have more interesting things to look at and the NPCs should always be looking in/around your direction (so you're not just looking at the back of their heads at least)
7) Have it so particles come from the Charm's Professors wand while raising the Leviomora block, rather than the Leviomora block just rising (very nitpicky)
8) It's strange how the Charms Professor doesn't directly tell you to go to 'sleeping' Jeremiah and instead you have to roam around the classroom, confused, before eventually going back to him.
9) Potions and Charms Professor both assume you've been taking notes when obviously no ones been taking notes
10) Make the charms feathers stackable
11) Somewhat odd how you are simply just 'late' to classes when many people will have gone straight to it.
12) The hippogriff ride could be a lot cooler and smoother if it allowed you to ride a hippogriff-modelled broom with clear directions. Maybe it could be done so you still fly a broom but the broom controls itself. Otherwise, the cutscenes could probably made a bit smoother.
13) Remind the student what ingredients they need when in the Wiggleworm courtyard
14) Blocked corridors in dungeons potions class may as well be properly blocked rather than using barriers (very nitpicky)
15) Make crystal ball prophecies less blatantly obvious
16) Instead of the Charms professor randomly asking you about your homework, just have him say he/the librarian needs a favour doing
17) Divination Warpkey being a piece of paper is kinda boring
18) Either have it so you get access (and are directed) to an immobile crystal ball (using the same code as the Toy Crystal Ball) in the Divination classroom after finishing, OR give you the Toy Crystal Ball from the Joke Shop as a gift (or at least mention it).
19) Lower flying crash cooldown in quest
20) Maybe make flying quest course longer and more interesting
21) Flying course is quite laggy
22) Explain Quabbleball in /games more (maybe reserved for another quest) - Possibly wouldn't work as Qball is something disabled and therefore wouldn't make sense to introduce new students. However, I still think a quest reserved to teaching about it would be cool
23) You should be able to open collectable first assignment from Astronomy class and see mercury/saturn/neptune information or head display inside
24) Make the NPCs at the end of a quest explain why they give you specific gear from quest (as currently it is very random and unexpected)

Anyway, these are mostly just nitpicks. All in all, the quests were very good and solved some big issues (mainly fetching ingredients) and now teach much more about the server. I hope the list isn't too confusing, I would assign some titles to make it clear what suggestion is for what quest but I feel as though it is pretty obvious (and I'm also lazy and I just woke up)
Thanks for reading!


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
I did the first years quest recently and I actually enjoyed them, but here are some nitpicks:
1) Temperamental (many clicks needeed) getting the class scheduele from the common room board
2) Assigning specific times (e.g. 8 AM - 9 AM) is strange as the times will never be exact to the actual person's time. Many people may do the quests on different days too. It is simply unnecessary
3) It's confusing to be teleported straight from the Serpent Common Rooms, into a travel cutscene, and straight back to the Serpent Common Rooms when getting to the first quest (although it isn't much of a problem)
4) Add nametags above NPCs in cutscenes even if the identity is just '???' (refering to the cutscene in 'First Year Struggles')
5) Bully cutscene in 'First Year Struggles' is very disorientating and teleports you too frequently, not letting focus on the text and storyline in chat
6) The corridor travel cutscene should have more interesting things to look at and the NPCs should always be looking in/around your direction (so you're not just looking at the back of their heads at least)
7) Have it so particles come from the Charm's Professors wand while raising the Leviomora block, rather than the Leviomora block just rising (very nitpicky)
8) It's strange how the Charms Professor doesn't directly tell you to go to 'sleeping' Jeremiah and instead you have to roam around the classroom, confused, before eventually going back to him.
9) Potions and Charms Professor both assume you've been taking notes when obviously no ones been taking notes
10) Make the charms feathers stackable
11) Somewhat odd how you are simply just 'late' to classes when many people will have gone straight to it.
12) The hippogriff ride could be a lot cooler and smoother if it allowed you to ride a hippogriff-modelled broom with clear directions. Maybe it could be done so you still fly a broom but the broom controls itself. Otherwise, the cutscenes could probably made a bit smoother.
13) Remind the student what ingredients they need when in the Wiggleworm courtyard
14) Blocked corridors in dungeons potions class may as well be properly blocked rather than using barriers (very nitpicky)
15) Make crystal ball prophecies less blatantly obvious
16) Instead of the Charms professor randomly asking you about your homework, just have him say he/the librarian needs a favour doing
17) Divination Warpkey being a piece of paper is kinda boring
18) Either have it so you get access (and are directed) to an immobile crystal ball (using the same code as the Toy Crystal Ball) in the Divination classroom after finishing, OR give you the Toy Crystal Ball from the Joke Shop as a gift (or at least mention it).
19) Lower flying crash cooldown in quest
20) Maybe make flying quest course longer and more interesting
21) Flying course is quite laggy
22) Explain Quabbleball in /games more (maybe reserved for another quest) - Possibly wouldn't work as Qball is something disabled and therefore wouldn't make sense to introduce new students. However, I still think a quest reserved to teaching about it would be cool
23) You should be able to open collectable first assignment from Astronomy class and see mercury/saturn/neptune information or head display inside
24) Make the NPCs at the end of a quest explain why they give you specific gear from quest (as currently it is very random and unexpected)

Anyway, these are mostly just nitpicks. All in all, the quests were very good and solved some big issues (mainly fetching ingredients) and now teach much more about the server. I hope the list isn't too confusing, I would assign some titles to make it clear what suggestion is for what quest but I feel as though it is pretty obvious (and I'm also lazy and I just woke up)
Thanks for reading!
I agree with most of those, but they are just minor details imo. Theres some bigger issues like players (and not just new players, even staff) getting confused about tutorial/real world, and overall emptyness of the tutorial world..


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Allandrk
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Linked
Hello, @MattyPoltergeist !

I come with good news! This suggestion has been accepted and completed since the majority of the ideas are already implemented.

1) This has been fixed, there shouldn't be any more issue with obtaining the class schedule.
2) We added specific times for classes as a part of the story, but it ultimately doesn't impact gameplay at all. We won't be removing this addition because it's just an easter egg of being at a real magical school.
3) We have decided not to change this, as it has no impact on gameplay. Even for players who have finished FYE, it doesn't make sense to teleport to an NPC that is standing right in front of you, but you still have the option.
4) We wont be adding nametags to NPCs in the cutscene at this time.
5) While we understand how multiple teleports within a cutscene can be confusing for some players, we unfortunately won't be changing the cutscene. The text in chat doesn't disappear as players are teleported, making it possible to look back at the story even after being teleported.
6) NPCS are intentionally locked on to where they are looking, as we feel it would be weird to walk through the hallways and everyone would turn to look at you. Therefore, we won't be changing the NPCs in the travel cutscene.
7) Unfortunately, we will not be implementing as there is not a quick fix to this. Changing this would mean changing something with the spell itself, which would require a lot of work for something so small.
8) We plan to change this sometime in the future.
9) Unfortunately, we have decided not to change this, as it does not affect the gameplay. These comments by professors are made to better simulate a classroom environment.
10) Unfortunately, we will not be changing this, since it doesn't affect gameplay if the feathers aren't stackable. Tech wise, it is easier to make them not stackable, therefore, they will not be changed.
11) Unfortunately, we will not change "being late", as it is just a part of how the story was written, that does not affect the overall gameplay.
12) Unfortunately, we will not be implementing this, as FYE is made to be easier for new players. We believe that this could cause players to get lost easily, since we can't put particles in the sky for players to see and follow them. It is also important to note, that up until this point in FYE we have not yet taught players how to use brooms.
13) We decided to add a hologram in the Quad that tells players that they can use /q if they forget what to do in a quest. We believe that otherwise reminding the students would defeat the purpose of /q and instead, this could be a good opportunity to teach players about /q.
14) We decided not to implement this idea at this time.
15) Unfortunately, we will not be making FYE harder. The difficulty of the story was chosen to be easier, since this is gameplay that players meet when they first join the server.
16) We want to implement this sometime in the future.
17) We want to implement this idea sometime in the future.
18) This idea will be implemented sometime in the future.
19) We will not be changing the cooldown of the broom after crashes in our FYE flying quest. This is because we want the flying to mimic post-FYE flying, and keep things as similar as possible to get players used to the mechanics.
20) We won't be making the flying quest longer or harder either. While possibly more interesting, as a complete introduction to flying our aim was to make it simple for all players, as some players, especially those with lag, have extreme difficulty flying.
21) Unfortunately, we wont be changing the course. We believe the lag might just be caused by the scale of the build.
22) We think making a quest that teaches a minigame would be either pointless or redundant, as the player could do the quest and then never choose to play Quabbleball, or they do play it and the rules/how the play are still there for the player at the start of the game.
23) Unfortunately we will not be implementing a collectable in FYE. This is because the quest itself is relatively quick, and we don't think that a book referencing the planets would be used in the future by players.
24) This will not be changed at this time. While we like the idea, it is kind of evident that gear is good to have because of "Getting geared up" quest. Therefore we don't need to tell the players we gave them gear to prepare them for the year 2+ world.

If you have any questions about the decisions, feel free to reach out to me or another poltergeist!
Thank you for making this suggestion and I hope you have a wonderful day!