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Make WizPE Great Again


Minecraft IGN: cheddarsoup
Auralock Phoenix Serpent Werewolf Linked
Instead of parkour, have wizpe be quabbleball for class. Could either be like 3 15-minute games or 9 5-minute games to match wizpe time.

More variety (wizpe gets very repetitive very fast)
Less people will complain about the nuances of parkour class (questionable trivia, maps too hard/too easy, waiting a year and a half for jump help, etc.)
Opportunity for more engagement between class and professors (profs could be refs or something)
Introduce more people to quabbleball (win-win since quabbleball has been ignored for a while)

Would take a lot of dev work (will be the reason this gets declined)
Would have to re-work the class
Unfair teams might make some people sad

In conclusion please do it I think people would like this, also you could still have normal wizpe class but just with the good maps (get rid of the outdated ones)


Minecraft IGN: Thukkerlife
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Linked
What about a rotation of quabbleball and parkour? I think it's a win win situation to make a rotation so people can choose to join the ones they like. Me personally have never played quabbleball and I enjoy parkour. I agree with removing certain parkour maps tho!


Minecraft IGN: laelouch
Dark Follower Serpent Linked
this would help make qb alive since pw literally ignores it now and no new players join!! teams could be randomized like the rh thing in dueling classes! would make it better and keep players entertained on if its wizpe or qb


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
i disagree, i think wiz pe should stay parkour, because at the end of the day, thats what it always was. Maybe involve qb in some other type of class, but im not sure how it would work with many ppl and the lag. About wiz pe, i do agree that wiz pe is repetitive in a way, but thats because a new parkour map is long overdue. People dont really have much options for parkouring on the server, especially with the removal of elevator minigames. Meanwhile, you can play QB at any moment, if enough ppl are interested (and if not, well that says enough)

Jae ⊹₊ ⋆

Minecraft IGN: xMye
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Class Design SPEW Lead Arena Master Lead Linked Faerie
Hello @cheddarsoup !!

We unfortunately do not have the development ability to translate Quabbleball into a class at the moment. We also have massive concerns with how laggy a full class playing Quabbleball would be and do not wish to implement it at this time. This concern was also touched on in this thread here.

However, we do want to address the problem of Wizard's PE being repetitive as mentioned. The Academics team is actively looking for more fun activities that can be added to Wizard's PE and are currently looking into other gamemodes for the subject.

As also mentioned in this thread, we wish to focus on Quabbleball this year and balancing it, with the big potential to return Quabbleball tournaments to the server again.

Thank you for making this suggestion, we really do appreciate it. I hope you have a wonderful day/night!:serpent:


Minecraft IGN: cheddarsoup
Auralock Phoenix Serpent Werewolf Linked
Hello @cheddarsoup !!

We unfortunately do not have the development ability to translate Quabbleball into a class at the moment. We also have massive concerns with how laggy a full class playing Quabbleball would be and do not wish to implement it at this time. This concern was also touched on in this thread here.

However, we do want to address the problem of Wizard's PE being repetitive as mentioned. The Academics team is actively looking for more fun activities that can be added to Wizard's PE and are currently looking into other gamemodes for the subject.

As also mentioned in this thread, we wish to focus on Quabbleball this year and balancing it, with the big potential to return Quabbleball tournaments to the server again.

Thank you for making this suggestion, we really do appreciate it. I hope you have a wonderful day/night!:serpent:
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