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Arena Team Feedback


Minecraft IGN: HektorTM
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
Hey everyone,
I wanted to share some feedback regarding the recent Arena Team flying tournament that took place on August 5th. While I've always enjoyed participating in the challenges hosted by the Arena Team, I couldn't help but notice a few issues during this and other challenges/tournaments.
First and foremost, the timing before the start of the first flying race was quite excessive(with the late start and the qualifiers up to 30minutes). The waiting time seemed much longer than usual, and it left many participants feeling a bit frustrated. I understand that technical difficulties can sometimes occur, but it might be beneficial for the Arena Team to communicate any delays and keep the participants updated to manage our expectations better.
Moreover, I'd like to address the use of protocols during the event. From what I observed, the protocol of casting the hat spell wasn't consistently applied. It's important to maintain a fair and consistent environment for all participants, and any protocol that's in place should be followed thoroughly. No player was hit by the hat spell so nobody got the message of taking their hat off.
Furthermore, there was an incident where some players were threatened with kicks for not taking their hat off while flying, even though they weren't targeted by the spell in the first place. This situation created confusion and unnecessary tension among attendees. It's crucial for the Arena Team to ensure that the rules are enforced uniformly and that any disciplinary actions are taken with fairness and clarity.
I truly appreciate the effort that Arena Team puts into organizing these challenges, as they provide a fantastic opportunity for us to showcase our skills and have fun. However, I believe that addressing these issues could significantly enhance the overall experience for all players.

~ Hektor


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
Waiting time is quite often an issue actually, every other challenge someone has a technical issue and we wait a while. Maybe they should change the way they write down/tp the teams and try to speed it up.
Furthermore, there was an incident where some players were threatened with kicks for not taking their hat off while flying, even though they weren't targeted by the spell in the first place. This situation created confusion and unnecessary tension among attendees. It's crucial for the Arena Team to ensure that the rules are enforced uniformly and that any disciplinary actions are taken with fairness and clarity.
The "no hats" rule was sent out so there no debate about this lol, just because you werent hit by the spell doesnt mean you can break the rules. In fact those are the same things that slow them down.


Minecraft IGN: HektorTM
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
Waiting time is quite often an issue actually, every other challenge someone has a technical issue and we wait a while. Maybe they should change the way they write down/tp the teams and try to speed it up.

The "no hats" rule was sent out so there no debate about this lol, just because you werent hit by the spell doesnt mean you can break the rules. In fact those are the same things that slow them down.
Though I believe the Protocol goes like this: Send out rule, use spell, if they dont take off their hat AFTER the spell you msg them if they dont take it off they'd get kicked. If I'm wrong about that protocol i'd love an arena member to correct me.


Minecraft IGN: ColaCinema
Dark Follower Serpent Vampire Linked
Waiting time is quite often an issue actually, every other challenge someone has a technical issue and we wait a while. Maybe they should change the way they write down/tp the teams and try to speed it up.

The "no hats" rule was sent out so there no debate about this lol, just because you werent hit by the spell doesnt mean you can break the rules. In fact those are the same things that slow them down.
if it takes 15minutes to see the rules and they end up saying it in chat, doesnt mean i or someone else sees it. i tab out and wait till a friend tells me its gonna start. if i dont get hit with a spell i forget to take of my hat. they can easly just make a function to take the hat off for us.


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
doesnt mean i or someone else sees it. i tab out and wait till a friend tells me its gonna start. if i dont get hit with a spell i forget to take of my hat.
That's on you, if you decide not to read the rules. They exist. And you know the rules.
Speaking of yesterdays tournament, you two *purposely put on the wings* on after the rule was sent out. Nobody else was wearing any hats besides your team, that I noticed. I happen to have a recording as well. It has nothing to do with you forgetting. Even after you got warned or whatever happened, Carly was still wearing her wiggleworm for the other race.
Things like that just slow the already slow process of challenges, so it's really not something to debate about, the rule is there and should be followed. If you don't, you get a warning and take the hat off, carry on.
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Minecraft IGN: TallBlondeDude
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
I forget all my hat all the time, I get a message, and take it off. Its really not a big deal. There is no reason to toggle to wings as Ivan said, as hats have been banned for a long time. Furthermore, as far as protocol goes this is the summary of it:

It sounds to me as if it was followed based on your description.


Minecraft IGN: ColaCinema
Dark Follower Serpent Vampire Linked
That's on you, if you decide not to read the rules. They exist. And you know the rules.
Speaking of yesterdays tournament, you two *purposely put on the wings* on after the rule was sent out. Nobody else was wearing any hats besides your team, that I noticed. I happen to have a recording as well. It has nothing to do with you forgetting. Even after you got warned or whatever happened, Carly was still wearing her hat for the other race.
Things like that just slow the already slow process of challenges, so it's really not something to debate about, the rule is there and should be followed. If you don't, you get a warning and take the hat off, carry on.
they should make a function to not even put it on and have your hat removed when you join.

Jae ⊹₊ ⋆

Minecraft IGN: xMye
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Class Design SPEW Lead Arena Master Lead Linked Faerie
Hiya @HektorTM

During the August Flying Tournament, we ran into multiple issues at the start that happened to be 1: out of our control 2: time consuming as we attempted to fix the matter - which caused such delays as mentioned. It was wrong on our behalf to not communicate this immediately to the player base at the time. We do strongly encourage the host/helpers to communicate with players if things are going to take a little longer than expected. This is something we are aware of, and are actively trying to improve on. For example, depending on the situation and if it’ll take a while longer, we’ll start a small activity. Whether this being simple chit chatter, a conga line, questions, practise/warm-up race or a friendly FFA (which does not grant any rewards for winning) during these kinds of situations.​

As I was the one hosting this Tournament, I can confirm we did cast the “no hats” spell on each player whilst in the hub before being TP’ed to the map - including the no use of hats being announced within our auto rules. Everyone followed the rule, even if it took a little longer than others - but we did in fact have no players with hats on before moving over to the flying course. Once everyone was moved over, that is when players began to re-equip their hats, resulting in them being privately warned not to do so.​

Continuing on for players being warned and told for a second time about hats, this is standard to our protocol. We did warn those in question via the spell previously and in PMs, and some did respect the warning - whilst some continued this behaviour to which we then followed our second steps of the protocol. Since this incident occurred, we do now have a new command that allows everyone attending (including the host and helpers) to no longer have the ability to see hats. Thus, removing the need to cast the “no hats” spell at attendees at the start.​

Overall, the Arena team follows a strict protocol and hosting/helping guide to ensure we cover as many incidents like hats effectively and host in a balanced manner. Sometimes, this may be delayed or done differently, but we are all human and do our best to ensure we enforce our rules and protocol during Challenges and Tournaments.​

We appreciate your feedback, and thank you for bringing up the concern to us. Future incidences like this will now be less likely, since, as mentioned, we now have a command to auto-disable hats from everyone's view except your own.​
Thank you once again!​

Lead Arena Master​