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Echoes of the Past - Part 1 help


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Autoo_
Serpent Linked
I am currently trying to find the study hall in the raven tower and I am not having any luck I've been looking for a bit now. Any tips on where to be looking?


Potterworld Legend
Minecraft IGN: Invisibilia
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW Sr. Prefect Linked Faerie
I am currently trying to find the study hall in the raven tower and I am not having any luck I've been looking for a bit now. Any tips on where to be looking?
Heya @Autoo_,

The study hall isn't in the raven common room. If you warp to the raven common room, you will first have to exit the common room, then go down a lot of stairs, nearly to the bottom floor (I think it's perhaps the first or second floor above the bottom floor). Afterwards, I would highly recommend using your magical compass as that should point you in the correct direction (you can focus on the quest by clicking on it in your /q) and then wandering around a bit at the bottom of the tower. If you still can't find it, feel free to reply again and I can send you some coordinates.

Best regards,