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Arena Store Release Ideas (For the Future)


Notable Magician
Drooble's Order
Minecraft IGN: Deathlish
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Drooble's Order Linked
Hello Everyone! -

So, we've recently just got the Arena Season 2 Store Releases! And in their own rights, are amazing! I specifically love the Plasma Gamemode, and now it has been added into the Duelling Halls, people can now train for May the 4th Plasma Challenges and Tournies!

But moving aside from that - I've come here to announce a few ideas for the actual Store which didn't get a lot added to it, and I believe players will enjoy what i've tried to create, so let's get the ball rolling.

Magentaficius - Down below, you can see a Spell, which is an Offspring from the Normal Stupeficius, along with a new name, seeing as Arena does love to stick with the more Purple Theme, along with Magentaficius along with the Spell Image, I've given an example of what it could look like, If taken into account, the team behind Colouring this spell can make any changes, but this is just how I envisioned it.

Violaforous - Similar to Magentaficius, Violaforous is also a play on words from the Conflamorous Spell, with it also given a Purple touch, and along with the Spell Image, another example has been given of what it could look like if accepted, except for the Flaming Twirl circling the player when firing Conflamorous, it could be replaced with a Dark Purple Particles to solidify it being similar to Conflamorous, think of having the Purple Wand Effects on and using Appearo, that effect could be added for the Start of Violaforous.

Purple Bucket Hat - Basically just a Recolour of the Beige Bucket Hat, I think people would be happy with the Purple Version of it, and it does look cool (just me tho xd).

Anyways, these are just ideas, if you have any, let me know on Discord @Deathlish, and I'll maybe edit them onto here so Arena knows that the Community is willing to give their own input for Store Releases, and also let me know if you enjoyed these ideas I've made. Thanks for reading!



Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
I disagree, something like "magentaficius" just sounds childish. I wouldn't touch HP spells with recoloring, maybe some other ones could work better.


Notable Magician
Drooble's Order
Minecraft IGN: Deathlish
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Drooble's Order Linked
more reskinning of pvp spells
its nice to have functional bling
FR tall, I don't think their gonna give more spells before 2.0 releases, so just give us reskinned spells unless I'm totally wrong and they actually give us some stuff later on down the line in which I do HIGHLY doubt it.

EDIT: We got Accelementum thanks for jacquas
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Minecraft IGN: annivelation
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Sr. Poltergeist Linked
Greetings, @Deathlish !

I'm happy to inform you that this suggestion has been partially accepted! We unfortunately do not want to add the Bucket Hat as we believe it will take away from the Bucket Hat on the Potterworld store, however we are interested in adding the spell recolours! These new recolours may appear in the Arena Store sometime within the next 6 months.

Thank you for making this suggestion and we will let you know once this has been implemented! I hope you have a lovely day!