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Recent content by Salmandingo

  1. Salmandingo

    On-Hold Arena Store Release Ideas (For the Future)

    Purple Bucket Hat yes please
  2. Salmandingo

    House Cup March 2024

  3. Salmandingo

    2023 Star Battle Tournament

    Another W for the Arena Team
  4. Salmandingo

    Arena 2023 Season 2 Releases

    W releases
  5. Salmandingo

    I love this man more than I love garlic bread

    I love this man more than I love garlic bread
  6. Salmandingo

    Arena 2023 Season 1 Releases

    Another W for the Arena Team
  7. Salmandingo

    maguire better than VVD fr fr

    maguire better than VVD fr fr
  8. Salmandingo

    Arena Expansion Update

    Greetings witches and wizards! As Season 3 comes to a close, it's time for our Arena 2022 Season 4 Release! The release will be titled the "Arena Expansion Update" and includes lots of improvements to the already existing Arena systems we have to offer! Arena Dueling Halls: We have updated the...
  9. Salmandingo

    2022 Season 3 Arena Champions

    Over the past 3 months, many witches and wizards have been competing in Dueling and Flying Challenges with the goal of becoming the top wizard at Hogsworth! We'd like to congratulate SamuelTM, Enzologies, and LittleI for becoming our 2022 Season 3 Arena Champions! Overall Category Winning this...
  10. Salmandingo

    u know what. I'm gonna say it. eat the poopoo idot

    u know what. I'm gonna say it. eat the poopoo idot
  11. Salmandingo

    wow okay I'll take that as a compliment I guess? Ariel ur so bad at flirting bro

    wow okay I'll take that as a compliment I guess? Ariel ur so bad at flirting bro
  12. Salmandingo

    what the frick is that

    what the frick is that
  13. Salmandingo

    yes they're good but I haven't had one since 2015 do u want to go get waffles

    yes they're good but I haven't had one since 2015 do u want to go get waffles
  14. Salmandingo

    what do you want silly man

    what do you want silly man
  15. Salmandingo

    Arena 2022 Season 3 Releases

    Greetings witches and wizards! As Season 2 comes to a close, it's time for our Arena 2022 Season 3 Release! The release is Pirates themed and we have 3 new maps for you! NEW - Peter's Flight Course: Fly over the city of London and make your way back to the clouds up top! Don't get too...