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Recent content by Shibanu

  1. Shibanu

    On-Hold Hide and Seek Suggestion

    Hi All! Hope you're healthy. I had an idea regarding Hide & Seek. It's very easy for experienced players to memorise the set maps. I wondered if it would be better to have a basic arena, but randomly scatter the same blocks that the hiders can hide as across the arenas. This could add more...
  2. Shibanu

    Completed Some General Suggestions:

    Yeah, that would be good! maybe a filter system on the map where you can display all players, party members, or friends as a toggle option.
  3. Shibanu

    Completed Some General Suggestions:

    Hadn't thought of that, valid point. that could potentially unbalance any implemented fast travel system too! However, if it was unlocked at year X, all alts would have to get to that stage to unlock it as well!
  4. Shibanu

    Completed Some General Suggestions:

    Hi! I'm fairly new to the server, thus apologise if these suggestions are commonly brought up! I've been playing for a few days, and have thought of a few things to make the map easier to traverse and be less monotonous for quests. 1. More information on signs on Grand Staircase. It's quite...