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Recent content by YeetChris

  1. YeetChris

    If you're reading this, you must comment.

    Omg this is still going
  2. YeetChris

    Declined Kevin day!!

    Kevin is love, Kevin is life! Say it with me now. Okay since that is out of the way here's the suggestion and the event peeps can handle this part, KEVIN DAY! I think one day in the 356 days we have a year we should celebrate Kevin or Kevin could take over yknow *wiggles eyebrows* I Feel like...
  3. YeetChris

    Long time no see, Anyways howdy!!

    Long time no see, Anyways howdy!!
  4. YeetChris

    Declined Player Heads

    Howdy!! I prefer like Elfe said using the camera and I believe Ivan is correct. I feel like adding this would just be extra? Idk
  5. YeetChris

    Potterwatch Performer Applications

    Good luck everyone!
  6. YeetChris

    On-Hold Inventory buttons

    Wow many wow
  7. YeetChris

    Coming Soon...

    Yess exciting! :)