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Search results

  1. Sunnya

    August 2020 Store Releases

    Greetings witches and wizards! As it is the start of a new month, we have released some new items that you can purchase on our store here! This month's new store releases include: Thestry Mount Broom Appearance Sneeler Pet (it changes colors!) Dark Wizard Staff We hope you'll enjoy these new...
  2. Sunnya

    Potterwatch Director Changes

    Hello everyone! We’re excited to announce some changes regarding the Potterwatch Director position and team. We've restructured our ranks to be just Director and Sr. Director, Director being the new starting position. Potterwatch Director is now a staff rank. Anyone joining as a Director would...
  3. Sunnya

    Daily Diviner Applications

    We are happy to announce two applications opening for the Daily Diviner team! In addition to the usual DD Writer applications, we are now opening DD Editor applications to all players. Daily Diviner Editors edit all articles before they are published in the Daily Diviner. They are knowledgeable...
  4. Sunnya

    3D Arithmancer Applications

    The Media department is excited to announce that we are reopening the 3D Arithmancers applications! 3D Arithmancers are responsible for creating renders for the server using 3D manipulation software. (As a reminder, 2D Arithmancer applications are currently open as well.) Applications will...
  5. Sunnya

    Anniversary Event Competition Winners

    With all competition voting concluded, we are ready to announce the winners of the 6th Anniversary Event Competitions! Before listing the winners we'd like to thank everyone for participating. There were many fantastic stories, poems, and skins and it was difficult for our judge's to pick their...
  6. Sunnya

    Anniversary Event Competition Update

    Hello everyone! Thank you to all who submitted to our skin and writing competitions! We're excited to begin the voting period for the skin competition's Fan Favorite award! From now until the 15th of June at 12pm PST, all players will be able to vote for their top two skins. There has been a...
  7. Sunnya

    Anniversary Store Sale

    Hello witches & wizards! On this day six years ago, Potterworld opened its doors to the public! To celebrate six years of Potterworld, we've got an anniversary sale on our store for a limited time. Until the 20th of May, all items on our store (excluding event items) will receive up to 40% off...
  8. Sunnya

    Q&A - Revelius Update

    Hello everyone! Since our Revelius Update announcement in April, we've seen your questions and we know you are eager for more information. We're excited to announce to you all that we will be hosting a Q&A livestream dedicated to the Revelius Update. We will be sharing information on updates...
  9. Sunnya

    May the 4th Store Releases

    In celebration of May the 4th, we are excited to announce that all Star Wars themed items will be making a return to our store for a limited time! This year we're also releasing three new Star Wars items & a bundle! These items are: • NEW! Mercenary's Helmet • NEW! Mercenary Bundle • NEW! Star...
  10. Sunnya

    New Potter Points Shop

    Hello everyone! As Tebex has discontinued virtual currency, Potter Points are no longer able to be used on our webstore. However, over the past couple of weeks, we have worked out an alternative so those of you with Potter Points can once again purchase store items! The new Potter Points Shop...
  11. Sunnya

    Coming Soon... the Spring Festival!

    Get hopping! The Spring Festival will be starting today at 12pm PST! More information coming soon!