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  1. Allandrk

    Feedback CE

    No offence, but all you are basically saying is that it is so much fun and that it is creative, and I agree as I keep saying. Yes the activities are fun, but not very engaging. You also mention that there is nice conversations in chat... now I personally haven't really noticed those. I also...
  2. Allandrk

    Feedback CE

    First of all, I think everyone misunderstood me. I am not saying it should be completely scrapped, and you're right they are not the event team. I also know they worked very hard for it, but I'm just giving my opinion. Yes, the event can be finished if you don't do it fast, but the amount of...
  3. Allandrk

    Feedback CE

    Honestly don't know what else to say, this is really what my opinion is as well, and what I was trying to say. The CE's are very short and difficult for me and I'm sure for others to attend to. There is not much engaging. When I ask in chat where I can find a certain item, I have to ask 5 times...
  4. Allandrk

    Feedback CE

    Hello, thank you for reading. In this thread, I would like to talk about the CE not being fun. Every month I get lots of stress when I see the new dates for the CE's. I know there are a lot of CE's per month, but sadly most of them are in the evening for me and during dinnertime. Furthermore...
  5. Allandrk

    Feedback Chest Cooldown

    totally agree with this, i also had the routine and it was way more efficient in my 5 hours a day that i am able to play.
  6. Allandrk

    On-Hold Parkour Practice!

    good idea, shouldve been added a year ago :)
  7. Allandrk


  8. Allandrk


  9. Allandrk

    Declined Dueling challenges

    Yes challenges are supposed to be competitive but challenges are not fun when you don't even get the chance to fight back. and im not blaming anybody I just hope there is a way that it can be improved.
  10. Allandrk

    Declined Dueling challenges

    you can get better skills yes but you cannot go against a lvl 80 player with really good gear when you are lvl 60 or lower.
  11. Allandrk

    Declined Dueling challenges

    I agree, making random teams probably wouldn't be the best sollution but people aren't enjoying it as it is now either. so this would be a good idea
  12. Allandrk

    Declined Dueling challenges

    Hello, I hope you are having a good day. I was in a dueling challenge today and I think it wasn't fun at all for most of the people participating. I was in a team with a player that was there for the first time, and I had to go against Maxwheel and Bastaii. Everyone knows that these 2 players...
  13. Allandrk

    July 2020 Flying Tournament Sign Up
