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Search results

  1. Allandrk

    Declined Put an end to Events

    I'm totally with Ivan. Events are taking a lot of time and efford to make, but they are what keeps the server alive. Honestly I only play when theres an event. You can see it when a new event is announced, there will be like 100 people online and when it ends theres like 20 people online. I...
  2. Allandrk

    Duplicate Money Transfer

    Very useful for trades with people who are in different timezones.
  3. Allandrk

    Declined Hairy heads

    Would be very cool
  4. Allandrk

    Declined Proposal for Enhancing the Wizard's PE Curriculum: Introducing "Wizard's PE Theory"

    Some parkour training would be nice, don't know about theory though.
  5. Allandrk

    Under Review Suggestions for a Potterworld Resurgance!

    They really need to decorate the courtyard again during events, it shouldn't be much effort and the GH is just so boring now. Also that magical chess idea has been on hold for 3 years now lol. The idea about the RP bases is great and should be perfectly doable. When I see these short messages...
  6. Allandrk

    Duplicate Guild: Join multiple.

    Good suggestion, I don’t quite see the point in being able to only join one guild. I had to leave some guilds already to join another one and it’s just annoying.
  7. Allandrk

    Declined Chocohop Year book Collection

    That is kinda what I meant as well, I think the very low gear is indeed useless and there is no point in collecting them. I think that making reskins, like you said, would make it worth my time to collect them because it’s “special”, but the chocohop cards would be something that can replace the...
  8. Allandrk

    Declined Better Doors!

    Did you put pressure plates down? Maybe that’ll stop them lol.
  9. Allandrk

    Declined Better Doors!

    You would still have to walk through it, if a player’s goal is just to annoy you they have to really put efford into having all doors open because they have to get through anyway lol.
  10. Allandrk

    Declined Better Doors!

    If the server updates to 1.16 in the PW 2.0 update there would be a wider range of pressure plates, maybe that is an easier fix for the doors in your mansion than a whole new system for doors to close in a certain amount of time. Also doors closing all the time would be a pain for...
  11. Allandrk

    Declined Chocohop Year book Collection

    I think gear is an absolute pain to get during the latest events and I would prefer to see chocohops as well, but some of the gear is kinda good so that does make it interesting to collect. maybe they could switch it around sometimes and have chocohops in one event and gear in the next?
  12. Allandrk

    Duplicate Flying/Elytra/Skate time trials

    I think it would be fun if there were more activities around the map like the parkours and mazes. The concept is simple: there is a flying/elytra/skating course and you have to finish it in a certain amount of time. This would also be great for practicing your skills. (Credits to Engel for...
  13. Allandrk

    Declined magical arhitecture idea

    I think it's a good suggestion especially because magical architecture isn't really about building, which is kinda sad so I think a build for a grade is a really good idea.
  14. Allandrk

    Completed Music Emotes Pack

    These emotes look epic, I would love to see these added.
  15. Allandrk

    Declined Ditch the Wandering NPCs

    I personally don't see much use in the wandering NPCs, but they are not really in my way so I don't see why they should be removed.
  16. Allandrk

    On-Hold Reputation Rewards

    Hello, I have been doing reputations daily and I realised that once you are done, there is nothing more to it. Reputations barely give you gold and just some XP, so it's just simply not worth it to continue doing them daily. Maybe if they gave more gold it would be worth it? Or if there were...
  17. Allandrk

    Duplicate CE's (again)

    Hello peeps, I already made a forum about this but I think I didn't make my point very clear. I'm upset about how CE's go nowadays. In the past people would go to CE, do fun activities together, get to know each other and then get ONE collectable for participating. Now almost everyone comes for...
  18. Allandrk

    Feedback CE

    I agree, those are some good points. Though, wouldn't it be great if there was some sort of balance? So players who don't have much time can finish it quickly but players who do have a lot of time have more to play? I'm not sure how this would be possible but we can always get new ideas.
  19. Allandrk

    Feedback CE

    yes, though I cannot change the already existing choices xD