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Music Emotes Pack


Minecraft IGN: aklokin
Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Linked
Hello, everyone.
As a music lover and especially as a lover of musical instruments like the harp or ocarina on PotterWorldMC, I would love to present my suggestions for creating a new pack: Music Emotes! With the upcoming accepted and put on-hold suggestion from _Navyy for spells with music, I would like to see a new pack supporting music in the game.

Let me present the designs of the various emotes!

Music Emotes Includes....
Music Box
Music Sharing
Guitar Solo
Ocarina Serenade
Harp Harmony
Vocal Duet
Flash Mob
Ukulele Strumming

(I used my in-game name and the NPC name in the in-game store for the demos)

Music Box: aklokin presents a beautiful music box to Nessa_Malfin, turning the tiny crank to play a delightful tune!

Music Sharing: aklokin and Nessa_Malfin exchange headphones, sharing their favorite songs and discovering new music together!

Guitar Solo: aklokin shreds an imaginary guitar solo, impressing Nessa_Malfin with their musical skills!

Ocarina Serenade: aklokin plays a beautiful melody on an ocarina, enchanting Nessa_Malfin with its soothing sounds!

Harp Harmony: aklokin plucks the strings of a harp, creating a mesmerizing harmony while Nessa_Malfin listens in awe!

Flash Mob: aklokin and Nessa_Malfin organize an flash mob, bursting into a synchronized dance routine in a public space!

Vocal Duet: aklokin and Nessa_Malfin create beautiful vocal harmonies, blending their voices together in a captivating duet!

Ukulele Strumming: aklokin plays a cheerful tune on an ukulele, bringing a smile to Nessa_Malfin's face!

I think these are the best emotes that could fit into a pack, but here are more suggestions just in case:

Drum Solo: aklokin impresses Nessa_Malfin with powerful drumming skills!

Music Jam: aklokin and Nessa_Malfin jam together, improvising and creating music in a spontaneous session!

Karaoke Night: aklokin and Nessa_Malfin take turns singing their favorite songs at a lively karaoke night!

Lullaby: aklokin gently sings a lullaby to soothe Nessa_Malfin, creating a peaceful and calming atmosphere!

Meybe some lessons:
Music Theory: aklokin explains music theory concepts to Nessa_Malfin, helping her understand scales, chords, and notation!

Guitar Lesson: aklokin teaches Nessa_Malfin how to play the guitar, guiding her fingers on the fretboard!

Songwriting: aklokin and Nessa_Malfin collaborate on a song, sharing ideas and crafting lyrics together!

Piano Lesson: aklokin patiently instructs Nessa_Malfin on playing the piano, helping her practice scales and chords!

I'm not an expert at adding music and sounds to emoticons or sparkle effects like other packs have, so I can't assign a theme to each action. I'm sure someone who's worked on previous emotes could do that. Each mentioned musical instrument should preferably contain a sound in the form of 2-4 notes, some noteblock sound or that sounds resembles either the harp, ukulele that is already in-game,... + fireworks, sparcles around. (feel free to advise in the comments below)

Thank you for reading and considering this addition to the game.


Minecraft IGN: Aglyn
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Sr. Professor Class Design Arena Grandmaster SPEW Linked Faerie
Hiya, @aklokin

I have arrived with some wonderful news. This suggestion has been accepted and completed. We really loved the creativity and thought process that went into creating this suggestion. We have just released our newest store releases which included the music emotes you can read more about here.

Thank you for taking the time into creating your suggestion, we really appreciate it! We hope to see more from you in the future.

I hope you have a wonderful day/night!