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Search results

  1. tiggytk

    Under Review Old class idea!

    I’m so sorry, I don’t believe I have screenshots. It was around the time I joined, so most likely almost 4 years ago. I don’t believe it was a quest, as I remember there were one to three teachers walking in front of a group of about 15 students. It was a walk from the castle to Appleby Village...
  2. tiggytk

    Completed Skip on the fire part of the quest "An Unbreakable Bond".

    Ah, I just finished this part yesterday, took me like 30 minutes. Thank you so much anyways!
  3. tiggytk

    Under Review Old class idea!

    I was looking at the map and remembered how there was an old class where a bunch of people would walk through the forest to Appleby Village. It was really fun and although it was very difficult to coordinate, this was one of my favorite classes.
  4. tiggytk

    Under Review More high level Hogwarts quests.

    I was thinking back to the first quests I did, and I realized that I hadn't done ones around the castle recently. I am level 59. I believe there should be more quests around the castle for higher levels.
  5. tiggytk

    Completed Skip on the fire part of the quest "An Unbreakable Bond".

    I'm in the middle of the tedious process of completing the quest "An Unbreakable Bond", and the fire part is simply too difficult. I have tried countless attempts and it is still practically impossible for me to complete. I spoke to one of the ticket responders and they did not complete it...
  6. tiggytk

    Gameplay Update 1.3.3 [August 7th 2021]

    Sounds really fun and exciting! Can't wait for the new things too!
  7. tiggytk

    Hello! Thanks for stopping by, and checking out my profile! [SIZE=7][B]🌸tiggytk 🌸Griffin[/B][/SIZE]

    Hello! Thanks for stopping by, and checking out my profile! [SIZE=7][B]🌸tiggytk 🌸Griffin[/B][/SIZE]
  8. tiggytk

    The Great Potterworld Walk

    Hello guys! Recently, Malla and other people who wished to go on the walk, went on this walk! Malla went AFK so other people were just wandering around, then Malla came back and we walked somewhere. Then almost everyone left, to eat dinner or other, including me. We have never finished the...
  9. tiggytk

    Declined Auto-mutes.

  10. tiggytk

    Declined Auto-mutes.

    Ya, I agree. Do you remember me? I am tiggytk! I sure do remember you!