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New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Zephaqx
Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire

Im sure a lot of people have experienced the Auto-mute feature, whether its from being muted, or from hearing about others.
The main problem I have had with the Auto-mute feature, is typing something accidentally, due to using global chat by accident instead of party chat or direct messages, and then this resulting in an Auto-mute. I think that sometimes it can seem annoying to certain players that if they make such a mistake, that they are then muted for 5 minutes. Another bother I find is that this is noted down by the server and can potentially have them look like a bad player if they then decide to apply for a staff role, which I definitely understand, but for accidents it can seem annoying.

In my opinion, I think the easiest way to change this, would be to set a blacklist of words, that if are typed in chat, either don't send at all, or the player is given a verbal warning. Obviously, there would be certain words that I believe would be Auto-mute worthy, such as words that attack someone by their race, religion, or skin colour etc.

I hope this post is taken into account and thank you in advance for taking the time to read this.


Max Fireheart

Minecraft IGN: Maxymoos
Griffin Phoenix Linked
Hey there!

Just for clarification on this issue, accidental swears aren't held against people. Furthermore, I think that for example, if there was someone who was trolling on the server and kept swearing or trying to bypass the filter, it would be hard for the moderation team to deal with the issue! Another reason I don't think this would be a good idea is spamming. If a player keeps spamming in chat and they only receive a verbal warning, there's a possibility they won't stop, and then how would that rule be enforced? I think for people who don't mean to break the rules, it would make sense for this suggestion to be implemented. However, there's always going to be that person who wants to make other players have a hard time on the server and break the rules on purpose.

Just my thoughts! Once again, if people don't intend to break the rules, I think this makes sense - but that's not the case.


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Zephaqx
Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire
Hey there!

Just for clarification on this issue, accidental swears aren't held against people. Furthermore, I think that for example, if there was someone who was trolling on the server and kept swearing or trying to bypass the filter, it would be hard for the moderation team to deal with the issue! Another reason I don't think this would be a good idea is spamming. If a player keeps spamming in chat and they only receive a verbal warning, there's a possibility they won't stop, and then how would that rule be enforced? I think for people who don't mean to break the rules, it would make sense for this suggestion to be implemented. However, there's always going to be that person who wants to make other players have a hard time on the server and break the rules on purpose.

Just my thoughts! Once again, if people don't intend to break the rules, I think this makes sense - but that's not the case.
Thanks for the reply, I didn't mean to remove the Auto-mute feature completely, I just meant for certain words I think it should be changed, so it doesn't necessarily need to be changed for spamming, seen as spamming is almost always intentional. Also, for the point about people trying to bypass the filter, I'm pretty sure that happens sometimes by people changing letters to numbers, or spelling the word on purpose.


Minecraft IGN: ProbsAMistake
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked
Heya! So while I'm not on the mod team currently, I want to shed some light on this.

The main problem I have had with the Auto-mute feature, is typing something accidentally, due to using global chat by accident instead of party chat or direct messages, and then this resulting in an Auto-mute.
So swearing is against the rules, and that being said it is your responsibility to make sure you're using the right channels if you're using a word that would get you in trouble if you has intentionally sent it in public. This does NOT count for swears that happened because of a typo. Also, like Max said, those don't usually count against you as long as you don't make a habit of it and show that you've learned from your mistake.

In my opinion, I think the easiest way to change this, would be to set a blacklist of words, that if are typed in chat, either don't send at all, or the player is given a verbal warning. Obviously, there would be certain words that I believe would be Auto-mute worthy, such as words that attack someone by their race, religion, or skin colour etc.
Swearing is something that's against the rules, and as such there's consequences for breaking these rules. In an ideal world a verbal warning would stop everyone, because no one would want to cause any trouble. Unfortunately there will be people who want to cause trouble, and just allowing them to say whatever they want and have the only consequence be a verbal warning would never allow their behavior to stop, as there would be no further consequences. As for the words attacking someone for their skin color, there's a much harsher punishment, as that is something we don't take lightly at all.

All in all the auto-mutes are there to make sure the server is a safe and appropriate place to enjoy for everyone as well as help the mod team to monitor the people who want to cause trouble on the server. :D


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: sewerratss
Dark Follower Raven Vampire
Heya! So while I'm not on the mod team currently, I want to shed some light on this.

So swearing is against the rules, and that being said it is your responsibility to make sure you're using the right channels if you're using a word that would get you in trouble if you has intentionally sent it in public. This does NOT count for swears that happened because of a typo. Also, like Max said, those don't usually count against you as long as you don't make a habit of it and show that you've learned from your mistake.

Swearing is something that's against the rules, and as such there's consequences for breaking these rules. In an ideal world a verbal warning would stop everyone, because no one would want to cause any trouble. Unfortunately there will be people who want to cause trouble, and just allowing them to say whatever they want and have the only consequence be a verbal warning would never allow their behavior to stop, as there would be no further consequences. As for the words attacking someone for their skin color, there's a much harsher punishment, as that is something we don't take lightly at all.

All in all the auto-mutes are there to make sure the server is a safe and appropriate place to enjoy for everyone as well as help the mod team to monitor the people who want to cause trouble on the server. :D
Exactly! Potterworld is a family-friendly server and, yes, we understand that accidents can happen, but swearing is still against the rules and has to be dealt with regardless. As both Callie and Max said, the auto-mutes are absolutely necessary in moderation, as it serves as a punishment and disincentive for not-so-family-friendly players to cause trouble. About your concerns with these mistakes with staff apps, as Max said, accidental swears aren't held against you c:


Potterworld Legend
Minecraft IGN: Invisibilia
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW Sr. Prefect Linked Faerie
Hello @xGlassShard,

Unfortunately, we will be declining your suggestion for the following reasons, some of which have already been mentioned above.

We think that without without the auto-mute feature for certain "less severe words", players could constantly continue to break the rules and it would be far easier to bypass the filter, by simply continuously trying, since players would not be muted after saying a swear word.
There also wouldn't be any consequences besides a warning or a message not sending for breaking the rules by swearing, which would encourage rule-breaking, as there wouldn't be any "real" punishments. As a result, players could get exposed to inappropriate, offensive and harmful things, which we do not want happening as we strive to be a family-friendly server with a positive atmosphere.
Just to clarify, accidental mutes that result from a typo are not held against players in any way, nor do they remain on their record. Unfortunately, it is the players responsibility to use the correct chats when using words that should not be said in public chats on our server, so those do not count as accidents.
Furthermore, we want to clarify that discriminatory, racist and other similar words are far more harshly punished than a mute. As stated in our server rules here these words are a far more severe form of rule-breaking and therefore result in instant permanent bans. We have zero tolerance for these kind of offences, as such words can be extremely hurtful and disrespectful towards others.

Thank you nevertheless for bringing up this suggestion to us. We really appreciate it and hope you'll have a wonderful rest of your day!