DISCLAIMER: Potterworld or Droobledore LLC is not in any way affiliated with Mojang AB, J.K. Rowling, Warner Brothers or any company, copyright or trademark.
PotterworldMC PotterworldMC PotterworldMC

Gameplay Update 1.3.3 [August 7th 2021]


Head of Game Design
Head Staff
Minecraft IGN: NSgaming
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Griffin Head Staff Phoenix Werewolf Linked

Hello everyone! The Game Design team has prepared another mid-update patch for you all! Please keep in mind anything in the "Upcoming Content" section is subject to change and not set in stone, nor do we have a release date guaranteed for any of it.

New Content
- NEW Missing Madness Quest! [Lvl. 43]

- NEW 2 Hidden Activities! [Lvl 60 & 70]
Game Designer Note: These are hidden around the world and will not appear in the quest journal. Good luck exploring to discover these locations!

- NEW WWW Maze (And New Modes!)
Game Designer Note: Due to player feedback, we've taken a look at how mazes work, and we think we've come up with some cool new interesting game modes for you to enjoy. Please let us know your feedback on these, as well as enjoy this peek into the upcoming World Minigames revamp.

- NEW Quabbleball Field Parkour!

Changed Content
- Added Firedust elves to Edgebrook, Rushstone & Eldham Ridge
- Tons of bugs have been squashed

Upcoming Content (subject to change)
- We're looking to add more methods of fast travel, locked behind new and/or existing quests
- We will be adding some higher-level content to Hogsworth.
- The Magical Compass will include all quest starting locations, and you will be able to set this by clicking the quest in your Quest Journal
- Rework all first year quests into the "First Year Experience"
- Release of the Revenant Gauntlet
- Reputation Project
- Hidden Harry Potter Quests
- Gauntlets & Dungeons
Game Designer Note: You'll be able to find out more about all of our proposed upcoming content when the recording of the Game Design Q&A goes live on the PotterworldMC YouTube Channel.
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Minecraft IGN: Aglyn
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Sr. Professor Class Design Arena Grandmaster SPEW Linked Faerie
This sounds exciting