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Search results

  1. Takalo

    Declined Make WizPE Great Again

  2. Takalo

    Declined Hunger System back in the Game.

    I understand better now. Even though I still would it find more realistic for a server to have more real life actions in it and not just exploring the world unrealistically! Thanks again for your reply!
  3. Takalo

    Declined Hunger System back in the Game.

    @Ashh I understand the fact that the hunger system is not part of the main goal for the servers future. Still there is a huge part of the marketplace being only focused on food. In literally almost every town there is a place where you are able to buy food just to eat it and have a second of...
  4. Takalo

    Declined Hunger System back in the Game.

    Imagine bringing out a bag to store food and potions just to decline a suggestion by saying you dont have enough space in your inventory to carry the food around one day after. @Nives Willows
  5. Takalo

    Woodland Store Releases

  6. Takalo

    Declined Hunger System back in the Game.

    you could make it so that the hunger bar is not going down in classes/ games or in the hogsworth area so that new players dont have to deal with it first time they join the server
  7. Takalo

    Coming Soon - Reputation

  8. Takalo

    Feedback Better Event Communication

    so true!!! ~Ju
  9. Takalo

    On-Hold Update level system?

    cool idea... I'd love to see an "Order of Merlin" thing if this idea would be implemented. ~Ju
  10. Takalo

    Declined Keeping Eggdog alive

    Hello! It is I, Ju and I have come to bring a suggestion! In the latest Spring Event there was a cool head that you could buy called Eggdog. Because it had such a big positive reaction on the player base I would like to suggest to keep the Eggdog available for players after the event... One...
  11. Takalo

    Star Battle Player Testing

    IGN: Takalo, Level: 80, Discord: Ju#8161
  12. Takalo

    House Cup March 2022

    congrats to my fellow ravens! Maybe it’ll be another year of the raven!
  13. Takalo

    House Cup March 2022

  14. Takalo

    Talents Player Testing

  15. Takalo

    Talents Player Testing

    Ign: Takalo Level: 80 Discord: Ju#8161
  16. Takalo

    Declined Make Ruined Temple Aerobics Permanent

    I like it, Picasso!
  17. Takalo

    :mad:[U][SIZE=5][COLOR=rgb(226, 80, 65)]angery cat [/COLOR][/SIZE][/U]:mad:

    :mad:[U][SIZE=5][COLOR=rgb(226, 80, 65)]angery cat [/COLOR][/SIZE][/U]:mad:
  18. Takalo

    Who is ColaCinema?

    Who is ColaCinema?
  19. Takalo

    On-Hold Inventory buttons

    Love it!