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Search results

  1. _Klene

    July Community Engagement

    Woo! Can't wait!
  2. _Klene

    Declined Spell Branch Rework Ideas

    Thank you! You too.
  3. _Klene

    Declined Dueling challenges

    The competitive nature of the challenges and tournaments is intentional. When it comes to gear and level, it can be awkward because not everyone is the same level who may want to participate in the tournament/challenge. However, challenges are meant to be competitive. We can't really blame them...
  4. _Klene

    Coming Soon...

    yo, this looks fire :o
  5. _Klene

    Completed 1v1 Arena

    YASS! Okay, thank you all! <3
  6. _Klene

    Completed 1v1 Arena

    Add daily activities for 1v1 arena please
  7. _Klene

    Declined Spell Branch Rework Ideas

    Spell Rework Suggestions begins around the third paragraph, everything beforehand is just my reasoning and core idea behind the suggestions First and foremost, I want to say that the idea to have spells separated into specific classes such as Charm, Jinx, Curse, Defense, is a wonderful idea...