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Search results

  1. _Black_Drag0n_

    Declined Storyline and Roleplay

    Thank you so much for looking at it, even though I have been banned. I am planning on doing an appeal when I am allowed to again, but I am very thankfull for your response!
  2. _Black_Drag0n_

    House Cup June 2021

    Lets...... GOOOOOOOO Good job everyone this quarter!
  3. _Black_Drag0n_

    Declined Storyline and Roleplay

    Thanks. I just thought that maybe an overarching storyline would be cool, but I dont know what kind of Roleplay the Seers do since it is mostly at night where I live. I'll look into what Seers do, and maybe, who nows, if I have the level apply for 1
  4. _Black_Drag0n_

    Declined Storyline and Roleplay

    Hey, first of all, thanks for reading this post. I had a few ideas for the server, and I'll try to not make it 3 paragraphs per idea, but I am not sure how far I'll come. Roleplay Characters The first idea I had was about Roleplay. On the server there is a Roleplay Hub, but it is rarely used...
  5. _Black_Drag0n_

    Duplicate QuabbleBall Lessons

    Hello PotterWorld Staff I had the idea for a QuabbleBall lesson. I think that a lot of people would like that, and that way you guys can include yet.another aspect for the Hous Cup Points. I think that there should be games for points, trainingmatches between houses and a real Tournament. You...