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Storyline and Roleplay


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: _Black_Drag0n_
Honeybadger Auralock Werewolf Linked
Hey, first of all, thanks for reading this post.
I had a few ideas for the server, and I'll try to not make it 3 paragraphs per idea, but I am not sure how far I'll come.

Roleplay Characters
The first idea I had was about Roleplay. On the server there is a Roleplay Hub, but it is rarely used (at least that is what I feel). To change this, I had the idea to maybe make a few Roleplay characters, and let them be played by Staffmembers, or a select few players. This may increase the Roleplay and Storyline experience of the server, and I think that not only I, but a whole lot more people would like that.
On another server I played (DDG, The Kingdom, a Dutch server) and it was mostly a Roleplay server. They had 6 Kingdoms or Factions, and then there were 3 Roleplay factions ran and played by Staffmembers. It worked with a disguise(?) mod, so Staffmembers could turn into the the characters.
I think this could work on this server two, because there are a lot of factions that could be used to house 1 or 2 Roleplay characters, and then they could give people Custom quests to progress the Storyline. I talk about both in the next paragraphs.

I already looked around on the Suggestion Form, but only could find 1 suggestion about the Storyline, and the answer said that there were little storylines with the quests that could be done, and I thought that it was maybe a good idea to make a storyline that spans round and about 3 months, so there can be a lot of playing with it, and maybe those Storylines could end in a serverwide Bossfight of some kind.
The further the Storyline progresses, the more custom quests there could be given to the players themselves. I think that it would be fun to do custom quests, and get XP from them, or maybe a special spell or visual upgrade thing, but most of the Custom Quest info will be in the next segment.

Custom Quests
So... About the Custom Quests, the idea there is that people go to the Roleplay Characters, and they sometimes give custom quests to players. These can differ from: "get x amount of an item" or "defeat a custom boss" and after there are around 30 or 40 Custom quests an achievement could be given to the players that did those particular quests.

As said, I love to do Roleplay, but it is rarely active, and I think this way the Roleplay can be more and more active every time a roleplay character comes online. I think more people would like the server to be more than only grinding for XP to get to the next level or to follow lessons, and I think this is a great way to do it. At the end of this post I will put a few ideas for events, and for Custom Quests.

Lesson Quests
There is a problem in the teachers and/or lessons, and that is that most of the lessons are later on the day for the people playing from Europe. I think that this could be fixed 2 ways, but I think that it could be tricky to do either one of them.

More Teachers
I think that one way to fix the timezone and lesson problem would be to promote more people from Europe to the rank of teacher. This way there could be more different lessons, and overall more lessons to follow.

NPC Lessons
I believe there are a few quests where you as the player follow lessons, but maybe it's a good idea to make more of those quests, that could be replayed over and over again. I think that would be fun, and people learn the usage of spells, and they can practice for the lessons with the Staff Teachers.

Thanks for Reading my suggestions, I can always be contacted via Discord (_Grey_W0lf_#7961), and I'll be glad to answer any questions.

Max Fireheart

Minecraft IGN: Maxymoos
Griffin Phoenix Linked
Hey there! I can try to give a good response to the roleplay section of your post. Actually, we do have something like this already! The Seer team (roleplay team) are in charge of organizing roleplay events, activities, making quests, videos, etc... Most of the Seers already act as characters - each can be viewed via the Madame Janette NPC in the Roleplay Hub by clicking on the character books item in the main info GUI. I've already compiled lots of information to a guide, which you can find by clicking here. I hope this helps.

To the second part of your post, in my opinion I think that adding more quests in the castle with teachers would be a good addition to the server.


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: _Black_Drag0n_
Honeybadger Auralock Werewolf Linked
Thanks. I just thought that maybe an overarching storyline would be cool, but I dont know what kind of Roleplay the Seers do since it is mostly at night where I live.

I'll look into what Seers do, and maybe, who nows, if I have the level apply for 1


Minecraft IGN: KipxSateee
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven SPEW Linked
Hi @_Grey_W0lf_,

Apologies for any delay in picking up this thread. Thank you for posting your feedback and suggestions here, we appreciate your detailed thread and hope to see more of them in the future. As mentioned by @Max Fireheart, some items that were mentioned may overlap with things that are already present. I will bring your thread up with the rest of the team. Once the team and leadership have had a chance to review them, we will update you here.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. Stay tuned! :)


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: _Black_Drag0n_
Honeybadger Auralock Werewolf Linked
Thank you so much for looking at it, even though I have been banned. I am planning on doing an appeal when I am allowed to again, but I am very thankfull for your response!


Minecraft IGN: KipxSateee
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven SPEW Linked
Hi @_Grey_W0lf_,

Your ideas have been brought up to the staff team! I will go over your suggestions and give our point of view.

Roleplay Characters
Roleplay characters played by staff members already exist, as that is what some members of the Seer Team do. Players can check out the roleplay hub in-game to see what characters exist, as well as join the Roleplay Hub discord for more updates on official and unofficial roleplay. We currently do not plan to change this in any way. If you are interested, you can request a discord invite by reaching out to a member of the Seer team in the main discord!

An official roleplay storyline already exists and is already in progress so we will not be altering it at the moment. For players who have missed parts of it, we have released official roleplay recaps on the forums. You can read those here, and we highly recommend checking them!

Custom Quests
Having roleplay characters giving these gameplay-only quests that do not further the roleplay storyline, is not something we want to do. Instead, we are looking into including more quests in the roleplay storyline.

Spell Quests
This is something we have been planning on doing, but making quests takes time and Game Design has a lot of projects at the moment. If you have any ideas for specific quests, we always love to hear your feedback!

We are aware of the fact that there are fewer classes in European time zones, but sadly it is not so easily solved. Promoting more class helpers is only seemingly a solution because there are not many European time zone Class Helpers either and we do not want to promote those who are not ready. Therefore, we highly encourage everyone interested to apply for Class Helper.

Because most of the suggestions are declined, I will also move the thread to the declined section. While we won't be moving forward with some suggestions, I want to thank you for bringing your suggestions to us. If you have any questions about a specific item or the decision as a whole, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Regardless, I wish you a wonderful day! :)