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Search results

  1. Atreus | iffysou1

    Completed Discord Suggestion Channel & Threads

    Honestly I think using the website for suggestions is great, as it keeps the website more active. However, they could also hire more people to help keep the flow of the suggestions going and not letting them sit for over a month. One thing they could do to help with suggestion's on the website...
  2. Atreus | iffysou1

    Valentine's 2023 Giveaway

    I first met Lyra over two years ago, and we hit it off right away. The way we met was actually rather humorous. She was afraid of me, but the moment I used a particular word, she began messaging me right away, and we simply clicked. Despite the fact that we haven't spoken much lately, I still...
  3. Atreus | iffysou1

    Declined Suggestion: Pet's

    Ah yeah, I've seen that thread! Perhaps they could add pets you can get from quests? That way you wouldn't spend real money on said pets. I know in the CE you had 3 choices, so perhaps they could do that! It would also help any new players who didn't want to spend money, or perhaps couldn't...
  4. Atreus | iffysou1

    Declined Suggestion: Pet's

    Hello Potterworld! So, earlier today I found something out that I thought was rather odd, when do /pets you can't see the name of said pets. I didn't even realize that at first, as I would just play the guessing game when equipping them, but that does get rather tiring. So I've come to make a...
  5. Atreus | iffysou1

    Declined Feedback: Drooble's Order

    Droobledoor's order is arguably one of my favourite adds to the server. You get free items, a fancy star, and many other amazing things. Even emotes! Which I've always wanted it added, so I'm really glad that it was. I have a few suggestions, to go along with this feedback, which I'll get too...
  6. Atreus | iffysou1

    Pride 2022 Giveaway

    IGN: witheredapollo My favourite trait about myself has to be my colour-blindness. I see the world in black and white, with only blue visible. To be more specific, blue-cone monochromancy. Despite the fact that the world is very different for me, I like to think I see it in a different light...
  7. Atreus | iffysou1

    2022 Pride Festival Event

    Happy pride everyone!! :heart:
  8. Atreus | iffysou1

    Declined Spell tree

    The reason spell tree was replaced is that they took a player vote and talents won. They took what the people wanted and applied it to the game, which I like. Talents are perfect for duellers, and even newer people, as it's less difficult to understand and less hassle.
  9. Atreus | iffysou1

    Declined 5th Battle of Hogsworth Suggestion

    The 5th Battle of Hogsworth, I have so many good things to say about that, but this is a suggestion and not feedback. After getting the last 4 RP tokens, there isn't any reason to continue playing, but I, like many, really enjoy it. There is so much to do, but as grads we no longer need XP or...