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Search results

  1. ColaCinema

    Under Review Exclusive prefixes

    Hey everybody, I believe it would add an exciting touch to our experience by introducing seasonal prefixes for recurring events such as Valentine's Day, Halloween, Winter Waltz, Butterbrew Carnival and more. This feature could seamlessly extend to any special occasion. These exclusive prefixes...
  2. ColaCinema

    Duplicate Guild: Join multiple.

    Hey, wouldn't it be cool if we could join more than one guild? Imagine, you start off in a guild with your family, but then you also want to be part of, let's say, a student group focused on dueling, flying, or just hanging out with some friends. Just so you know, you can totally be in multiple...
  3. ColaCinema

    Under Review Dueling class

    I wanted to take a moment to provide some constructive feedback regarding the Dueling Class and its handling of game modes. While I appreciate the effort and enthusiasm you bring to the class, I have noticed some inaccuracies in the way certain game modes are presented and named. Firstly, there...
  4. ColaCinema

    On-Hold Inventory buttons

    Hello there, The empty crafting slots in the player inventory are not used, but could be utilized as a quick button for commonly used commands or to display additional information. I created two items as an example, one of which shows how many house points there are and the other indicates...
  5. ColaCinema

    Declined Back bling cosmetic

    hello there! Back bling could be a addital cosmetic, the main hand, off hand and all gear slots are still available as seen in the photo below. the Backpack is displayed using a armor stand that is riding the player, the model is then lowered so its in a good position on the players back. any...
  6. ColaCinema

    On-Hold Chat Emotes

    Hello there, The photos says most of it, because the server uses a custom resource pack there could be emotes added, as seen in the photo below on how you could use a emote. a house could be displayed with a emote in front of the players name. or making another message look more professional...
  7. ColaCinema

    Declined Map collectable

    Hey! Could a map that has pixel art in it be used for a collectable? a map has an ID so when its made you can spawn it in. maybe this is something that could be looked into, its great for an event item and it can be put in an item frame. i know the server has bungeecord and other worlds so...
  8. ColaCinema

    Declined Resource pack suggestion

    Hello! Could the spells from tools with durability be changed to skulls with custom textures? it opens up some space for other custom 3D models! i made a explain: The above row is how it is now, with the Tool durability. On the second row it are skulls with custom textures. And the symbols...