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Search results

  1. lightning_boss

    Patch 1.9.2 Magic Changes [February 2nd 2024]

    nerfing flipelius this hard is just because jack is the lead of this not a single other player but me actually uses it and just because i am good with it and jack sees that in a 1v1 perspective shouldnt mean both the damage and cooldown should be decreased. i think this is overdoing it even if...
  2. lightning_boss

    Completed igniotempus nerf

    also there is tick damage that we should take into a coutn with the damage
  3. lightning_boss

    Completed igniotempus nerf

    its strong in pve yes but it shouldnt be OP in pvp because its good for pve. id say the few things i recommanded are good fixes
  4. lightning_boss

    Completed igniotempus nerf

    so the magic cost is 40 which is equal to multiple spells in which this is byfar the strongest aoe: baulectrium: same charge time but way less damage and easier to escape. conflamorus. does 300 less damage with the same charging time and only hits 1 player but does have range.
  5. lightning_boss

    Completed igniotempus nerf

    so since recently the spell ignio tempus spell got really popular in dueling, and in gauntlet 2. the problem with the spell comes in dueling in my opinion. the spell does 2.7k dmg with damage tier 5 and 2.3 k without the damage tier 5. the thing thats wrong with the spell in my opinion that woth...
  6. lightning_boss

    Completed chicken spell

    i think that the spell is indeed just too big in comparison to other spells and its not like it needs the big hit box as like an adiition because it lacks in either damage or anything else the chickens are a strong addition to the spell so the large hitbox is just overkill in my opinion. so i...
  7. lightning_boss

    Completed chicken spell

    aviforma has been a very strong spell lately due to its chickens absolutely stopping 90% of shots and because of its hitbox of the spell itself which is in my opinion way too big. i think it should be balanced in either a smaller chicken hitbox that wont counter my offensive spells or that its...
  8. lightning_boss

    Feedback dueling no good

    dueling is one of the competetive sections on potterworld and its also the least active one. on potterworld dueling has been a minigame and competetive game for a long time but its been getting less and less attention lately from new players, i think the main reasons are that its hard to get all...
  9. lightning_boss

    August 2022 Dueling Tournament Sign-Up

    lightning_boss (raven) johtomies(raven) tallblondedude(serpents)
  10. lightning_boss

    Declined Loadouts Changes

    i feel the same way about the charm master is too overpowered with the stats at this moment but i think the plan was to cancel jinx meta which kinda succeeded but its also about the spells, classes like curse and transfiguration have no fast skillshots, the fast skillshots like stupeficus...
  11. lightning_boss

    October 2021 Dueling Tournament Sign-Up

    lightning_boss:raven: charcole_:raven: zzalt:serpent:
  12. lightning_boss

    Declined comunity event

    maybe its an idea to make a comunity event like just watching a movie of hp or something every saturday/sunday. this would also be possible with different movies but it would be fun and could get the community more together.
  13. lightning_boss

    Completed quabbleball training

    i think there should be a place to train for quabbleball. so i think it would be a good idea to or make a practise place at the quabbleball field where you can train or the quabbleball field there is make the hoops bigger like in an actual game and make it that you dont fall of your broom when u...
  14. lightning_boss

    Loadouts Public Testing Session
