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Search results

  1. oakyno

    Completed Cat Models similar to the recent Dog Release

    Simple as the title says, while there is a basic cat model that just changes colors, I would love to see cat models that I would want to have. The dog models released, german shepherd, husky, and gold retriever pets are so cute and it just makes me sad that there is such a bland cat default...
  2. oakyno

    Happy Holidays

    Since the holidays are so hectic and I cant hop on and say it I want to say here happy holidays to everyone! Thank you all for being so great and I am so happy for my first holiday season with Potterworld. You guys are such a beautiful community and I appreciate it so much! Merry Christmas Eve...
  3. oakyno

    Declined Housing decor

    Make it possible to buy a swippet for decor in housing. I literally do not care if it is a billion gold I just want to be able to place a swippet in my house. I do not think this is a thing, but please <3.
  4. oakyno

    Duplicate Gold and Trade

    There should be a way to pay players whenever you are without doing trades next to each other. In my experience, with things like the Krum Ball payment, I always have to go find, and sometimes they have to leave or I do in order to trade by each other. I have searched the forums and couldn't...
  5. oakyno

    Thank you

    ☆ Preface: Staff if this is AT ALL against guidelines PLEASE let me know and I will take it down right away. ---------- I just want to thank everyone on the server for being my safe space. It is somewhere I can go to and calm down. I can't wait to grow and learn that it's oaky to not be okay. <3
  6. oakyno

    Duplicate ignore system

    due to a recent player we are all aware of, who is not breaking rules in a exact sense. A lot of players have voiced that we all would lovvveee a ignore system to not have to leave chats but be free of annoying players who are trolling for the sake of it, but not enough to report. please.... please
  7. oakyno

    Declined Hide and Seek - Seekers

    A lot of players, such as myself, prefer to start as a seeker. This caused a little bit of what others call... throwing... I say hiding poorly... I talked to other players, a lot of them hate starting as seeker, and a lot of us think the ability to choose to seek in the beginning or vote for...
  8. oakyno

    Declined Quabbleball Practice Swippets

    Hello! I am currently trying to be better at quabbleball as a searcher, and am stuck in the inability to practice outside of the game. I can practice flying, but it would be super cool if there was a swippet catching training area like the flying practice on the quabbleball pitch. I was...