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Search results

  1. synonymsforsky

    Completed Teddy Bear Wands and Pets!

    Today I saw Nadine carrying a teddy bear and I thought it would be super cute if the store released a teddy bear wand and pet! I think this would be a fun idea because who doesn't love teddy bears?? Let me know what you think, thanks!
  2. synonymsforsky

    Declined Bring Back Professions in the form of Hogsworth Classes!

    Hello, I am fairly new to PW and don't know how professions were like before but I think I might have a cool idea! There are plenty of empty classrooms in Hogsworth and the idea of actually going to classes on your own time isn't really achievable except for the first year experience! I was...
  3. synonymsforsky

    Declined Have Gauntlet give Event Gear!

    I know this will most likely not pass considering Event Gear is for events specifically, but I was thinking that maybe Gauntlets could have a chance of giving you event gear in the little bags that you get in the mail. I think this is a good idea because it will not only incentivize players to...