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Search results

  1. Steaphan9

    Level 80 Muggle Question.

    Just a quick question for anyone who knows about the daily xp. If you logged on to the server on a new account (aka still in tutorial section) and got the daily xp, how long would it take to get to max level? I think it would be very funny to get your wand and suddenly have most of the spells...
  2. Steaphan9

    Completed Daily event change

    This is something that I noticed when I started ESO. Their Daily horse training event/quest has a 20 hour cooldown instead of the 24. I loved this idea and thought of the daily riddle on this server. Because of 24h cooldowns, no matter how dedicated you are, you will eventually have to skip a...
  3. Steaphan9

    Declined Secret Spa

    Pretty please can someone add the Secret Spa back into the map? Preferably in the same location that it once was.