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Level 80 Muggle Question.


Minecraft IGN: steaphan9
Honeybadger Auralock
Just a quick question for anyone who knows about the daily xp. If you logged on to the server on a new account (aka still in tutorial section) and got the daily xp, how long would it take to get to max level? I think it would be very funny to get your wand and suddenly have most of the spells unlocked. Is the daily xp is fixed or level based? What is the most xp you can get before getting your wand or getting assigned to a house?

Update: I'll just put the info below this line.

Questions to be answered:
-What happens if I get a wand after I unlock many spells?
-What happens if I get a wand after having unlocked enough spells to fill both hotbars, 1 spell page, and an extra spell on the second page? (Level 43 req)
-What happens if you advance a year while in the tutorial?
A: The advancement message appears in chat as it normally does, but only the staff can talk to you.
-How much xp do you get from the 'Daily XP' at level x?
-How long would it take to get to level 80 while still in the tutorial?

-What happens when you gain House Points when you haven't joined a house? A: Voting gives AC but not any House Points.

Edit 1/21/2022: I have made a google sheet doc. Please tell me If it works.
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Drooble's Order
Minecraft IGN: Wildsam
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Class Helper Arena Grandmaster SPEW Drooble's Order
This is purely speculation, but I would estimate you need to login every day for at least a year (most likely more) to collect the reward to even approach graduate levels. Experience points are given based on your current level. The current maximum level is 80 and if I am not mistaken, it would give me about 200 000 XP daily before hitting the level cap. While it might theoretically be possible to achieve this while staying in the tutorial section, you are in for quite a ride since you're looking at a total of more or less 215 million XP before reaching level 80.​
Not being sorted should not be a problem I believe. However, I'm really curious about not having a wand yet, because I actually don't know if the spells would already be in your wand when you finally unlock it.​
In any case, good luck if you try doing this on an alt and keep us updated if you do.​


Minecraft IGN: 1psaonly
Dark Follower Serpent
that's a great question! I've actually always wanted to try this, but lack the alt to do so. Either way, let us know how it goes if you do it!


Minecraft IGN: steaphan9
Honeybadger Auralock
I don't have the patience to get to level 80 but right now im level 5 on my alt. I could try to get my wand and see if the spells been but I'd rather wait until I get enough spells for multiple pages, to see if that also breaks.
Right now I'm recording on a txt file the amount of xp the daily do give at each level. It is going slow but once I get enough data, I can calculate the co at any level (provided I can still remember how to do that math). I would appreciate help with that. Currently I have levels 2-5, and whatever my level is on this account.


Minecraft IGN: steaphan9
Honeybadger Auralock
I just got to level 9 on the alt. I wonder what will happen when I hit level 11 (year 2). If there is a message in chat, I wouldn't be able to see everyone say grats. According to a staff member there wouldn't be a message because I'm not in a house. So does that mean that when I finally join a house (it had better be HoneyBadger this time), the chat would be spammed with "steaphan2 has reached year ___" messages? Also after doing a bit of basic math, it seems that I would need to reach level 43 before getting my wand to see what happens if the game tries to give me 53 spells (enough to fill both hotbars and 1 page of spells + 1 spell on the new page) all at once.
I would love to set up a google spreadsheet that anyone can edit so that we can get this info filled out faster, but I don't know how to set that up. For now I'll just edit my first post with the info over time.
Edit: I'm not posting the xp rates in the original post because that would make it too long.
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Minecraft IGN: 1psaonly
Dark Follower Serpent
That's really interesting! I am pretty good with spreadsheets, so if you need help with making one, feel free to DM me!


Minecraft IGN: steaphan9
Honeybadger Auralock
It has been one year since I began this journey. Today should mark 356 days (give or take a few). I am level 48 and I don't know whether I should actually try and go for level 80 or not. I don't know if I can wait that long but it would be very funny if I reached level 80 then immediately joined a house. Just imagine the confusion seeing those messaged back to back in that order. Also, you all know that you can contribute to the google sheet too. It would really help a lot.


New Magician
Update March 6, 2024:
I no long am able to get the menu open to collect daily xp. So I'm "stuck" at level 59.
I will find out what happens when you get a wand soon. I don't know if I'll stream it on twitch or record/post on youtube, but it will be recorded one way. Just incase something happens.

There goes my goal of getting max level, then getting a house (confusing everyone).