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  1. Matias Varulv

    Introducing Walden

    Ooo an update 🎉
  2. Matias Varulv

    Completed Recipe books

    Right on it! It's extremely annoying to have to go back to figure out what items you need and the quantity.
  3. Matias Varulv

    On-Hold Experience Potion (To be named)

    Ikr! It would allow a balanced boost and entice people to work towards bigger things :D
  4. Matias Varulv

    On-Hold Experience Potion (To be named)

    Love the idea! :D Lvl caps and recipes would allow for perfect balancing making it a valid idea without breaking/changing the game drastically.
  5. Matias Varulv

    Coming Soon...

    So excited! :D
  6. Matias Varulv

    Count as high as you can until a staff member comes on: 2.0

    xD nvm 1 (was reading an old reply xD)
  7. Matias Varulv

    On-Hold Experience Potion (To be named)

    I total agree. Balancing would be priority so that exploitation doesn't occur. I think it would insentivise people to look into potions and other professions.
  8. Matias Varulv

    On-Hold Experience Potion (To be named)

    Wow, didn't know that xD
  9. Matias Varulv

    On-Hold Experience Potion (To be named)

    So for a while now I have been thinking that Felix Fortuna a potion could be implemented into PW so that it grants 1.5x the experience you gain from quests and fighting mobs. Of course, setback would have to be in place to prevent full exploitation. The potion duration could only last 10-20...
  10. Matias Varulv

    Declined QUEST CHAT

    Maybe a bolded black or grey.