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Search results

  1. Lorvalor Fireheart

    Duplicate TLDR there should be ranks that give us our preferred pronouns

    As a LGB(T) person on PW it makes me extremely uncomfortable when people mis-gender me and call me a girl, on another server i;m in, there is a way to allow Dyno bot to give us ranks that say our preferred pronouns and i believe adding this to the Potterworld Discord Server would be a large...
  2. Lorvalor Fireheart

    You are Cordially invited to join the Van Cortlandt's. (this family no longer exists :) )

    You are Cordially invited to join the Van Cortlandts. All we ask is that you review this post before messaging the Head of the Family. The Van Cortlandts are a prestigious and honorable family, Hosting homes to many Vampires, Werewolves, Faes, Ghosts, and many well-known Witches and Wizards...
  3. Lorvalor Fireheart

    Declined TLDR; There should be Seperate dueling classes for different Years.

    As a new player, you probably experienced this more than once. You go to join a Dueling class and once it starts, you're immediately flagged down by a higher level player and killed with absolutely no chance in the world to win. From what I've heard from a lot of new players, this issue seems...