DISCLAIMER: Potterworld or Droobledore LLC is not in any way affiliated with Mojang AB, J.K. Rowling, Warner Brothers or any company, copyright or trademark.
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πŸ‚β›„ Potterworld Seasons & More - Resource pack add-ons


Minecraft IGN: Pankakes_81
⚑ Potterworld Seasons & More βš‘β€‹
Witches and Wizards,
If you want to feel cozy during autumn, or roleplay a snowfight in the winter, or you're looking for fixed torches in the dungeons or perhaps you find the glow of the wand annoying to look at, then look no further than this post ! Well, actually, you should look further down otherwise you can't download it.

I created this resource pack after my suggestion of adding Seasons to Potterworld was declined so I decided to take matter into my own hands.

The base is 1.12.2 x32 Potterworld Resource pack. I hope it's clear enough that this is unofficial.

πŸ‚ Autumn πŸ‚

β›„ Winter β›„





🚨 Emissive 🚨
Fixes to various items and blocks. If something should glow, it glows.
unknown (8).png

🌚 No Wand Glow 🌚
Removes the blue glow from all wands and staff.

🌸 Spring 🌸
Work In Progress

How to use the resource packs - IMPORTANT​

Potterworld Seasons works by overwriting only the required textures provided by the server's resource pack. Since it's impossible to overwrite a server-side resource pack, we have to download it (for personal use only) and overwrite it locally.

OptiFine is REQUIRED, set Custom Colors: ON, Emissve textures: ON otherwise resource packs will appear broken.
Part 1 - Getting Potterworld resource pack (for personal use only)
  1. Join Potterworld, let it download the resourcepack and close Minecraft
  2. Press "Win+R" or open search and write %appdata% and hit Enter
  3. Go to .minecraft/server-resource-packs
  4. Order them from latest to oldest and Ctrl+C the latest one.
    (The name should look something like this adc7daefcc6f79f28eb5708bfc7f581763b135b5)
  5. Go to .minecraft/resourcepacks and Ctrl+V the file there
  6. On the top of the file explorer window, select "View" and make sure you have the "File name extensions" option CHECKED
  7. Rename the file you copied to [Any name you want].zip
  8. Open Minecraft -> Multiplayer -> Select the Potterworld server and hit "Edit"
  9. Change the "Server Resource packs" to "Disabled"
Part 2 - Adding Seasons Resource packs
  1. Press "Win+R" or open search and write %appdata% and hit Enter
  2. Go to .minecraft/resourcepacks
  3. Move the packs you just downloaded to this folder
Part 3 - Resource pack Structure from TOP to BOTTOM. Make sure you order them as such !
  1. No wand glow
  2. Emissive
  3. Any Season resource pack
  4. Potterworld resource pack

Q: Why no Spring or Summer ?
I'm working on a Spring Resource pack right now. As for the summer, in my opinion, the default resource pack portrays it.

Q: Do you have permission for this ?
Yes, I have asked around and included all the credits in the pack

Q: I found a texture that hasn't been edited according to the season/texture that is broken, what do I do ?
A: Do not contact staff nor create a ticket.
Send me a message here or on Discord - Pankakes#4194. Preferably with a picture (Tip: Windows+Shift+S for a quick prtScr and you can just Ctr+V the pic afterwards)

Q: Does it work with versions below 1.12 ?
Yes it should. Haven't tried it though, tbh

Q: Why no 1.13 ? 1.13 when ?
1.13 is also known as the technical update, when all the block IDs changed, meaning I'd have to restructure the whole pack. Currently I am not working on a 1.13 since I believe the majority of the userbase is on 1.12.2. Hovewer, if there's enough demand for a 1.13...
Dates are written in a logical and ultimately superior format DD.MM.YYYY. Don't @ me

πŸ‚ - Autumn pack changes​

β›„ - Winter pack changes​


🚨 - Emissive pack changes​

🌚 - No wand glow changes​


12.6.2021 - πŸ‚β›„πŸš¨πŸŒš - v1.0 Released

2.7.2021 - β›„ - v1.1 - Grass with snow on top now has the correct texture.
Stepping on "snow" (grass) will now play the "stepping on snow" sound. However, stepping on podzol will still play the "stepping on dirt" sound due to the fact that if I replaced it, it wouldn't fit in many other places. (for now)​
16.12.2022 - Released a website for downloading the pack, instead of the GDrive link
1.8.2023 - Fixed packs not downloading - Error "Not found"

Asset 1.png
P.S. If anyone is getting rid of a broom I'll gladly take it
P.P.S Looking forward to seeing your pics on PW Discord
Last edited:


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf Linked
I really like this and how it adds a bit more interest to the server. Especially makes sense with the Wigtown and Hogsend areas which are covered with snow. It would be cool if this were added to the official server resource pack during events in Autumn or Winter!

Last edited:


Minecraft IGN: Pankakes_81
Winter pack update β›„ - v1.1
  • Grass with snow on top now has the correct texture.
  • Stepping on "snow" (grass) will now play the "stepping on snow" sound.
    However, stepping on podzol will still play the "stepping on dirt" sound due to the fact that if I replaced it, it wouldn't fit in many other places. (for now)
There might be a way to assign more sounds to specific blocks to replace only the podzol sound but I haven't looked into it yet.

I also added pack version to the pack name so that way you won't have name conflicts when placing two different versions into the same folder.


Notable Magician
⚑ Potterworld Seasons & More βš‘β€‹
Witches and Wizards,
If you want to feel cozy during autumn, or roleplay a snowfight in the winter, or you're looking for fixed torches in the dungeons or perhaps you find the glow of the wand annoying to look at, then look no further than this post ! Well, actually, you should look further down otherwise you can't download it.

I created this resource pack after my suggestion of adding Seasons to Potterworld was declined so I decided to take matter into my own hands.

The base is 1.12.2 x32 Potterworld Resource pack. I hope it's clear enough that this is unofficial.

πŸ‚ Autumn πŸ‚
View attachment 1846

β›„ Winter β›„
View attachment 1845​





🚨 Emissive 🚨
Fixes to various items and blocks. If something should glow, it glows.
View attachment 1847​

🌚 No Wand Glow 🌚
Removes the blue glow from all wands and staff.

🌸 Spring 🌸
Work In Progress

How to use the resource packs - IMPORTANT​

Potterworld Seasons works by overwriting only the required textures provided by the server's resource pack. Since it's impossible to overwrite a server-side resource pack, we have to download it (for personal use only) and overwrite it locally.

OptiFine is REQUIRED, set Custom Colors: ON, Emissve textures: ON otherwise resource packs will appear broken.
Part 1 - Getting Potterworld resource pack (for personal use only)
  1. Join Potterworld, let it download the resourcepack and close Minecraft
  2. Press "Win+R" or open search and write %appdata% and hit Enter
  3. Go to .minecraft/server-resource-packs
  4. Order them from latest to oldest and Ctrl+C the latest one.
    (The name should look something like this adc7daefcc6f79f28eb5708bfc7f581763b135b5)
  5. Go to .minecraft/resourcepacks and Ctrl+V the file there
  6. On the top of the file explorer window, select "View" and make sure you have the "File name extensions" option CHECKED
  7. Rename the file you copied to [Any name you want].zip
  8. Open Minecraft -> Multiplayer -> Select the Potterworld server and hit "Edit"
  9. Change the "Server Resource packs" to "Disabled"
Part 2 - Adding Seasons Resource packs
  1. Press "Win+R" or open search and write %appdata% and hit Enter
  2. Go to .minecraft/resourcepacks
  3. Move the packs you just downloaded to this folder
Part 3 - Resource pack Structure from TOP to BOTTOM. Make sure you order them as such !
  1. No wand glow
  2. Emissive
  3. Any Season resource pack
  4. Potterworld resource pack

Q: Why no Spring or Summer ?
I'm working on a Spring Resource pack right now. As for the summer, in my opinion, the default resource pack portrays it.

Q: Do you have permission for this ?
Yes, I have asked around and included all the credits in the pack
View attachment 1843

Q: I found a texture that hasn't been edited according to the season/texture that is broken, what do I do ?
A: Do not contact staff nor create a ticket.
Send me a message here or on Discord - Pankakes#4194. Preferably with a picture (Tip: Windows+Shift+S for a quick prtScr and you can just Ctr+V the pic afterwards)

Q: Does it work with versions below 1.12 ?
Yes it should. Haven't tried it though, tbh

Q: Why no 1.13 ? 1.13 when ?
1.13 is also known as the technical update, when all the block IDs changed, meaning I'd have to restructure the whole pack. Currently I am not working on a 1.13 since I believe the majority of the userbase is on 1.12.2. Hovewer, if there's enough demand for a 1.13...
Dates are written in a logical and ultimately superior format DD.MM.YYYY. Don't @ me

πŸ‚ - Autumn pack changes​

β›„ - Winter pack changes​


🚨 - Emissive pack changes​

🌚 - No wand glow changes​


12.6.2021 - πŸ‚β›„πŸš¨πŸŒš - v1.0 Released

2.7.2021 - β›„ - v1.1 - Grass with snow on top now has the correct texture.
Stepping on "snow" (grass) will now play the "stepping on snow" sound. However, stepping on podzol will still play the "stepping on dirt" sound due to the fact that if I replaced it, it wouldn't fit in many other places. (for now)​

Download & Enjoy
(This link will take you to my Google Drive)​
P.S. If anyone is getting rid of a broom I'll gladly take it
P.P.S Looking forward to seeing your pics on PW Discord
Hi, I'm trying to use the resource pack although they aren't working for me. Im on 1.12.2 with Optifine but the main issue seems to be that I can't get the server resource pack to work. I copied it from the server resource packs folder to my resource packs folder although it doesn't show anywhere in Minecraft. I'm sure I have the right version. PS: I couldn't find your discord account so I had to do it via here. What should I do? ------------------------------- Nevermind just found your discord account --------------------------


Head of Community Management
Head Staff
Drooble's Order
Minecraft IGN: jake_ft
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Head Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Lead Prefect Discord Moderator Lead Architect SPEW Store Manager Drooble's Order Linked Faerie
how to play potterwoldmc
Hello! You can join the server using minecraft versions 1.10 - 1.13 (version 1.12.2 is recommended). To play the server, you will need to be using minecraft java. Once in game, head over to "multiplayer" and add our server! The ip address is "play.potterworldmc.com". You can find more info here: https://potterworldmc.com/play


Minecraft IGN: Pankakes_81
I finished making a website for this project. Haven't yet solved the versioning. Currently the way the download works is that I created a repository for each RP. Once I mark it with a version number, it's packaged and released. The download button is linked to the latest release. I have tried writing the version number into the name of the .zip file, but the packaging fails.

The website also needs to be manually edited for each version number, since it's just pure HTML and CSS, as this is my first website code, I didn't want to start with Javascript just yet.

PS: There have been some changes to the base Potterworld RP, so the Emissive pack is currently missing the emissive map for one set of the blinking Christmas leaves