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A Small Suggestion for Potterworld's Youtube Channel


Minecraft IGN: Salmandingo
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire VIP Werewolf SPEW Linked
It would be cool to have more videos including average players on the server. Especially non staff - non performer players. It would definitely bring the players closer to the performer/director team. A cool example would be interviewing a new player on the server and asking them a few questions about their experiences, or having a QnA for players from each houses, and seeing how their perspectives differ.

We could have interviews with tournament winners
(which tend to be very active graduates who have tons of experience on the server) and ask them about tips to improve in flying/dueling and to share their experience on those tournaments.

I'm not the most creative when it comes to videos but I think you get the point... I believe that occaisonally getting normal players on videos helps make the videos more immersive and gives you both an average player perspective as well as a performer and/or staff perspective.

Aspasia Le Fay

Minecraft IGN: ShatterdHeart
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Sr. Builder SPEW Arena Master Linked Faerie
As Joshua said above, Potterwatch has had some videos with players and community and I bet they are intending to have more of those videos in the future.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Motionic
Dark Follower Griffin Vampire
Heya @Salmandingo! Thank you so much for submitting this idea! We truly appreciate all of the ideas and suggestions that all players submit. I will bring up your idea with the other poltergeists and we will discuss it further. I will get back to you with our decision once it has been reached. Have a wonderful day!


Minecraft IGN: iSpitLikeALlama
Auralock Griffin Werewolf Linked
It would be cool to have more videos including average players on the server. Especially non staff - non performer players. It would definitely bring the players closer to the performer/director team. A cool example would be interviewing a new player on the server and asking them a few questions about their experiences, or having a QnA for players from each houses, and seeing how their perspectives differ.

We could have interviews with tournament winners
(which tend to be very active graduates who have tons of experience on the server) and ask them about tips to improve in flying/dueling and to share their experience on those tournaments.

I'm not the most creative when it comes to videos but I think you get the point... I believe that occaisonally getting normal players on videos helps make the videos more immersive and gives you both an average player perspective as well as a performer and/or staff perspective.
VOUCH. Even collaborating with other YT channels I've seen great Lets Plays on YT of PW and it would be cool to see collaboration or average players on the channel.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Motionic
Dark Follower Griffin Vampire
Heya @Salmandingo! After some discussion, we have decided to accept your idea since we think that this is very beneficial, as it will assist to improve relations and connection between staff and players. This is something that we have already been working on and will continue to do so in future where we can. We will also be making an effort to do this across the Media platforms. Thank you so much for bringing up this idea and we hope to see more from you in the future! Have a wonderful day!


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: ast3r0se
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire Werewolf
That's a fantastic idea to make the Potterworld YouTube channel more engaging and community-focused. I've seen channels do something similar, involving everyday players in interviews or tutorials, and it helps the community feel more connected. A Q&A by house or tips from tournament winners sounds super interesting for newer players to feel inspired and pick up skills from experienced ones. It's also lovely to see them recognize ideas like these and turn them into action.

If you're into creating interactive or creative videos yourself, you might find it helpful to explore resources like this guide on https://www.movavi.com/support/how-to/how-to-add-picture-to-video.html . It's easy to follow and handy if you're considering starting your own small community projects.
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