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A way to see what staff are online!


Minecraft IGN: HeyJared
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Werewolf SPEW
Sometimes, I wonder what staff are on, and if they are afk or working, maybe if we add a /staff command, it shows what staff are on, and if they are afk or not.
Yeah, I agree, if you are a newer player it would be helpful. Tbh, the /ticket method isn’t that great, so being able to see a staff that you can directly message if you need help would be nice for them. Otherwise they have to spam in global chat for help or wait a long time for a willing staff member to open their ticket.

I’ve seen so many people ask if there’s staff online so it’s not like the feature wouldn’t get used.

Edit: I’d suggest though that if the staff NEED to be hidden it wouldn’t show them as well as if there in a class or something.
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Minecraft IGN: Salmandingo
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire VIP Werewolf SPEW
Seeing what staff are online would likely prompt players to pick a random staff member and message them if they have a particular issue or question. Sometimes that staff member might be busy, sometimes they might be AFK, or sometimes, the question asked might end up getting sent to a staff member that can't help you with that issue.

For example, if you message a particular staff member with an issue that is out of their field, they likely wouldn't be able to help you as efficiently as possible.

If you need staff help, you can use /t create (message/issue) or send a message in global chat asking for assistance. A staff member that is able to help and has experience with similar issues will get to your ticket as fast as possible and would offer help. It would waste a lot of time to message random staff members until you find the right one that is able to assist you. The ticket system is the best way to go about it in my opinion.

Of course, I'm not trying to discourage you from messaging staff with questions! Questions are always welcome! :) I just find it more efficient to use the ticket system.


Minecraft IGN: HeyJared
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Werewolf SPEW
Seeing what staff are online would likely prompt players to pick a random staff member and message them if they have a particular issue or question. Sometimes that staff member might be busy, sometimes they might be AFK, or sometimes, the question asked might end up getting sent to a staff member that can't help you with that issue.

For example, if you message a particular staff member with an issue that is out of their field, they likely wouldn't be able to help you as efficiently as possible.

If you need staff help, you can use /t create (message/issue) or send a message in global chat asking for assistance. A staff member that is able to help and has experience with similar issues will get to your ticket as fast as possible and would offer help. It would waste a lot of time to message random staff members until you find the right one that is able to assist you. The ticket system is the best way to go about it in my opinion.

Of course, I'm not trying to discourage you from messaging staff with questions! Questions are always welcome! :) I just find it more efficient to use the ticket system.
You have a good point about spam messaging random staff. Although I believe that the /t create isn't that effective. While there may be staff online, it takes a long time for a ticket to be picked up, while long term players know that it'll be a while, newer players might get frustrated when they need help and can feel ignored. Even though they can ask in global, the majority of the time their message gets easily passed by in the sea of other messages. The more players there are online, the harder it is for them to get help.


Minecraft IGN: nathan1e
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW
I agree with what @Salmandingo said before; if you want to ask a question or report a bug or whatnot, the most efficient way to go about it is to create a ticket. PMing specific staff members doesn't really help.

Although I believe that the /t create isn't that effective. While there may be staff online, it takes a long time for a ticket to be picked up, while long term players know that it'll be a while, newer players might get frustrated when they need help and can feel ignored.
This is true too though - I have noticed that it can take longer to get a ticket answered these last few weeks but I don't think the suggestion at hand is a good way of solving this. You must also not forget that the amount of tickets that have been released in recent weeks have been much much more to what the server is normally used to, so there's a lot of tickets to work through and only so much staff members picking them.


Minecraft IGN: viewful
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire
Hello, and thank you for making a suggestion for Potterworld!

I will bring this to light to the Poltergeist team immediately and gain feedback in order to give you a response as soon as possible. Thank you again, and take care!

Keira :D

Minecraft IGN: ohBelle_
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire
I think we got a bit off track haha, I just had this idea, not as something to privately msg a staff or stop people from makng tickets, just as a way to know what staff are on


Minecraft IGN: viewful
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire

I brought your idea up to the team and unfortunately, we will be declining this suggestion at this time. After much consideration, the team came to the conclusion that this will encourage players to message staff when they are in need of assistance which could disturb them if they are busy working on things and the said member of staff may not be able to aid them with the issue at hand. Also, players may check if a member of staff is online so they can break the rules. As a side note, the ticket system is the best way to get help from a member of staff as it can be seen by everyone on the staff team and the chances of someone whom can help with the issue at hand is much higher than randomly messaging someone.

Once again, thank you so much for making a suggestion though! We greatly appreciate it!