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Ability to Clear ones housing!


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: TheRoyalQueen
Honeybadger Phoenix
I am making this suggestion, due to the fact that I have quite a lot of builds already on my housing and am wanting to change my build! However the process of demolishing it is goin to take way to long. That is why I'm suggesting that we add an option were players are able to delete everything that is on their housing (everything that isn't in chests) so that they are able to start from a clean slate and build again. That way plays don't have to be stuff with one housing their entire time on potterworld and it allows them to rebuild with much more ease! <3

The button could be added into the house elf and be called something like, Bulldoze Plot. This would remove all the blocks that are placed on the players housing but doesn't remove chests that may have players collectables.


Potterworld Legend
Minecraft IGN: Invisibilia
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW Sr. Prefect Linked Faerie
Hello @Fleur,

Thank you for the suggestion. However, this idea is a duplicate of one found here which has been accepted. Rest assured that any additional ideas mentioned in this thread will also be considered when we get around to implementing this.

Thank you and have a wonderful day!