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AC for being responsive !!


Minecraft IGN: lividk
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
If a player has linked their Minecraft account to their Website/Forums account, then they should be allowed to get 10-15 AC (Academic Credits as extra credit) each month if they provide feedback on at least one suggestion, this would definitely provide more activity on suggestions on the forums
Note: It is about leaving a COMMENT on a forum suggestion, not POSTING a forum suggestion

This would provide lots of traffic on the forums and make players leave more feedback on suggestions, which is super important for the future of potterworldmc

It could be a 1 month cooldown or like 3-4 weeks

If someone leave a really unnecessary comment or abuses the system, then they can be warned and then banned again, just like you get warned and banned for trolling on the forums

Adding back those cool lightning bolt awards you get for getting 100, 200, 500, etc. cakes, posts, etc.
There's currently a system for something like that (e.g. I'm a "Graduate" on the forums) but make it more visible and easier to farm or something


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Takalo
Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Linked
could also be more than one comment (2-3) to increase activeness on multiple posts. the more people express their opinion on a post the easier it is to see the public opinion on a suggestion for the poltergeists and to increase speed in making a decision on the players post.

~ Ju Crestello


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf Linked
Unsure about this if it were automatic. I'd imagine some people would just do a one word response just to get the AC. Maybe posts can get reviewed at the end of the month to see if anyone posted one word or unrelated feedback and remove them before releasing the AC to the players that provided good feedback?

I do agree that it would be nice to get more input from players when suggestions get posted, but I'm unsure if this would be the way to go or if it would be feasible.

I imagine that if this was implemented, then they would need proactive forum staff to help identify if people are abusing the feedback system with one word response or feedback that isn't related to the suggestion.

Liz Frogg

Minecraft IGN: cxrzyyy
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Linked
Hi @LiviDk!

I'm sorry to say that this suggestion has been declined. We believe that suggestions and feedback should be genuine and not only suggested to get AC, but because the players want that change to be made. We find it could cause spam for AC instead of getting useful feedback, therefore we will not be implementing this.

Regardless, thank you so much for making your suggestion. I hope you have an amazing rest of your day!