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Advent calendar


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Lnnaa
Honeybadger Dark Follower Phoenix
I thought it would be cool to add an advent calendar with gifts to claim every day until Christmas from december first, this could be like Hypixel's for example, and it could have prizes as plushies, christmas food, other christmas collectables, or gold. This could start being implemented next december as we are already in mid december. Also mabye this could be claimed along with the daily xp.
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Minecraft IGN: MattyPoltergeist
Serpent Werewolf
Yeah, this has been done in the past (I personally remember 2018) and it is quite a fun idea if done correctly. The only concerns I have are about the quality of the rewards (with so many having to be made - possibly leading to creative burnout) and perhaps how they might further contribute to the inflation of collectables (as in there being so many collectables coming out that they are becoming less valuable). In terms of inflation, one creative way the 2018 event solved this was by having a way to craft all the collectables over the event into a couple really good ones, which also gave a prize for being online every day. Your idea of implementing gold into the calender for some of the days could also work. Another issue is that perhaps the staff team wouldn't be too prepared for something like this. It seems that the Magiventologists and other members of staff working on the events are already under enough pressure to get the event out in its current form. If the team doesn't expand in the next year, I worry that it would just be impossible to have the event, ALONG with a whole new calender out by the 1st of December. However, if the staff team can come up with some really creative collectables, like seen in the past and can also handle the work load, this idea would certainly bring the festivities earlier into the month and would insentivise players to log on every day.


Minecraft IGN: marmitemira
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower SPEW
Hello @Leni!!

Thank you so much for this suggestion as we always love to hear ideas on how to improve the server! After bringing this idea up with the Leadership team I am pleased to say that it has been accepted! We really liked this idea and believe it would be fun to do an actual December advent calendar. However, it would be quite difficult to release it at the beginning of December as we're working on or planning other projects. Though, we have something advent calendar-like in mind for the Winter Waltz so keep an eye out for that!

Thank you again and have an amazing day!


Minecraft IGN: MelonFoxy
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Grounds Keeper Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Class Helper Lore Master Poltergeist
Hello, @Lenna!

I am glad to inform you that this suggestion has now been completed! While there is no guarantee that there will be an advent calendar every year, we have included it in our Winter Waltz content this year and last year, and are likely to do it in future.

Once again, thank you for making this suggestion, and have a wonderful day!