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Allegiance Banners!

Max Fireheart

Minecraft IGN: Maxymoos
Griffin Phoenix
Hello there!

While decorating my housing, I had a thought that some allegiance (Phoenix, DF, Aurorlock) banners would be quite decorative and useful to show your support and pride per your allegiance! Along with some house banners, I feel these would go quite beautifully at some people's housings! Thank you for your consideration!

Keira :D

Minecraft IGN: ohBelle_
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire
I love the idea of a phoenix banner, it would go over all of my plot for sure, and I bet lots of DFs and Aurolocks would buy there banner too


Minecraft IGN: PinkWeezie
Honeybadger Auralock Vampire SPEW
That sounds like a great idea! I think it would definitely be a lot of fun and nice for people to have a banner to use depending on their allegiance.


Minecraft IGN: Khails
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire VIP Werewolf DD Writer WizNetworker
Greetings @maxymoos,

Thank you for taking the time to suggest an idea! We are always looking for ideas that benefit the server, and we appreciate you for bring it forward!

I'll bring your idea forth and we'll discuss whether it can be implemented or not. I'll reply back once we've reached a decision, so make sure to keep an eye out for a response on the thread!


Minecraft IGN: Khails
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire VIP Werewolf DD Writer WizNetworker
Greetings @maxymoos,

Once again, thank you for your suggestion! We're always looking for suggestions and feedback that can help us make Potterworld a better place, and we appreciate you bringing your idea forward!

I’ve brought up your idea up with the team and we like it! We think that having allegiance banners is a good idea - you'll be able to see these implemented in the upcoming months. Thank you so much for taking the time to submit this suggestion, and we hope that you submit more ideas!

Best regards,