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Beacons :)


Minecraft IGN: xNyn
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW
So currently, beacons are unobtainable in housings. In a post here: https://potterworldmc.com/threads/s...at-is-currently-unobtainible.2413/#post-31317 it is explained why beacons will not be added. This is because it will cause the whole housing server a lot of lag if a player places a large amount on their plot.

Whilst I understand this, you could just limit the amount of beacons that can be bought/placed on your plot. I don't think this would be hard to do, but I have nothing to do with any technical stuff.

The beacon looks really cool imo, and I would love to use it in a build!


Minecraft IGN: luckiestblock
I think the solution is much more simple, make them cost 1000 gold. The price is so absurd that most players will only buy at most one (maybe two for the more wealthy).

Love the suggestion though, apparently they WERE sold at one point because Trickyshot has at least 4 (though to be fair Trickyshot has everything).
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Potterworld Legend
Minecraft IGN: Invisibilia
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Grounds Keeper Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Wizencouncil Class Helper SPEW Sr. Prefect
Heya Nyn!
Thank you for bringing forth your idea!
I will now present your suggestion to the other Poltergeists. We will discuss it and get back to you soon with a response.
Have a wonderful day!


Potterworld Legend
Minecraft IGN: Invisibilia
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Grounds Keeper Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Wizencouncil Class Helper SPEW Sr. Prefect
Hello again @Nyn Gregorovitch,
Apologies for this taking so long but our decision was somewhat delayed.
Unfortunately, this suggestion has been declined. Beacons cause a lot of client-side lag that can become very unpleasant for players which is why we try to use them as little as possible. This is not something we can currently fix which is why beacons are currently unavailable. That being said, we would still like to look into this in the future to see if we can find a way to solve this issue and make beacons available again!
Thanks again and have a wonderful day!