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Suggestion about the big beacon lantern that is currently unobtainible


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Archsam
So today when i was building on a big Project that i have currently at my housing and i thoguht. Why not use the big nice lantern as decoration for the entrence? I decided to check the decoration item npc not seeing it. When i checked with a staffmember they said that it was no way currently to get then. It suprised me quite a bit and it hadent been one in a event Before and no beacon lanterns were sold by any player or on the market. It suprised me alot since of how much it was used in the normal harrypotter world

How come it isint obtainible? If it has to stay that way can i atleast to get to know why it is that case? if not then i got 2 suggestions how to add it in

Way 1 To just add it to the decoration NPC like all other light sources but as a more premium lantern at 50 gold each maybe so people can use it atleast to decorate their houses and limit it somewhat if you guys want it to be like that

Way 2 Add it to the next event maybe as a time exlusive chance to get it for a limited time Before it goes away again. and becomes a rare building material like the item frame

Thanks for Reading my small feedback and have a nice day ^^


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Doctor_Bond
Auralock Phoenix Raven
I really like this idea! I've wanting a to use the beacon/lamp in my builds for ages now - the beacon feature doesn't necessarily need to be allowed, it would just be nice to actually build with them considering, as Sammy said, they are used consistently in the main server's builds.


Minecraft IGN: Sunnya
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire VIP Werewolf SPEW

Thank you for your suggestions! I agree with you that beacons would be a really lovely addition to builds on housings, but sadly they will not be added to Mine Depot. Beacons are not like other regular blocks as they contain data & they use the server's tick. Essentially, what that means is that if a player places a lot of them on a housing, it will cause lag on the entire housing server. We have the beacons used throughout the server only where necessary and are in smaller amounts. I hope that explains the reason why they will not be added.

Have a great day,