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Bring Back Choosable Teams in Quabbleball

mayu lettuce

Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: mommymayu
Auralock Dark Follower Raven SPEW Linked
A few months after this update came out, there has been dissatisfaction in the growing quabbleball community, so I would like to summarize it all below:

Quabbleball is a team-based sport, which means that teamwork is required to do well in the game, but currently, it's impossible unless you get some godlike luck that puts you and your friends on the same team. But if you're all alone in a team of people you don't know, it's extremely hard to communicate and do well, especially if all your friends are stacked up on the other team.

Another problem is that there are many players that don't know how to play the game and don't read the directions that are posted at the start of the game. When they join, they drag their own team down and are a nuisance to their own team. Some keep hitting their own teammates, while others goalblock and rage quit. The reason the option to choose teams was to ensure a 'fair chance of winning', but with more people who don't know how to play on your team, randomized teams are more counter-effective than anything.

If choosable teams are brought back, players can host their own quabbleball games with custom teams and play with their friends. If they want, they can still have randomized games.

TLDR Randomized teams made the game even more unbalanced so bring choosable teams back


Minecraft IGN: Frebii
Griffin Phoenix SPEW Linked
I, as someone who's played a lot of QB (1500 games and Rank 5 Leaderboard), totally agree with this and think this should definitely be implemented again! I think custom teams would be way more fun since you can actually start playing with your friends and host custom team Tournaments which the Staff Team themselves said they wouldn't specifically do (only in form of a leaderboard). And if you still want random teams you can just not select a team at all.


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf Linked
I haven't really noticed many players complain in chat about the random team that they get put in, either in game or after the game. I guess there was this one instance that a player mentioned they didn't like their team then left halfway through the game. Other than that, there hasn't been much whinging that I've seen related to quabbleball and random teams.

I think random teams has streamlined the game a bit too, making it easier to just join instead of having to worry about who's on your team. It lets you adjust your strategy each time without having to play against the same people all over again - already knowing what the end result would be. Random teams, no matter the skill of the player, essentially keeps you focused especially if there's a new player on the other team that you don't know the skill of yet. Sometimes I'll see a new player who ends up being really good at the position that they chose.

Quabbleball is a team-based sport
Yeah, I agree that it's a team-based sport. I know that it's not required in the game, but maybe if you notice your teammate having trouble or aimlessly flying around, then figure out their position and mention how they can left or right click to use their skill or to focus on a player. I sometimes notice Defenders left clicking in the air (not toward the goals) and mention to left click toward the goals to block it or to right click to steal a quabble from a passer.

Which leads to your second point regarding players that don't read the directions for the game. I guess new players sometimes overlook how each position works when you hover over each item in the beginning. Why? No idea. My best guess is that 30 seconds isn't enough time to quickly read how each position works or if they would be good with it. It would be cool if there was a Quabbleball class that focused on each position and how to play the game.

Randomized teams made the game even more unbalanced so bring choosable teams back
I think the initial reason why randomized teams was wanted by players in the beginning is that choosing teams made the game unbalanced likely due to OP players that went on the same team. My guess is that this will happen again if team choosing is brought back. I believe that there was also a #poll in discord a loooong time ago where a question about random teams was asked and tons of people chose random.

Overall, I don't think that reverting back to team choosing for quabbleball would be a step forward for the game, especially when there are other issues with the game itself.

Also, if they do choose to bring back choosing teams, then at least make the positions random.


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf Linked
why would they do that lol forcing you to play a role you dont even want or cant play just makes no sense at all
Eh, figured that would give a bit of balance and makes sure that chosen teams don't have the same people choosing the same role? To avoid teams from being OP and reliant on one player that prefers one position? Throwing ideas around..


Minecraft IGN: Frebii
Griffin Phoenix SPEW Linked
Eh, figured that would give a bit of balance and makes sure that chosen teams don't have the same people choosing the same role? To avoid teams from being OP and reliant on one player that prefers one position? Throwing ideas around..
if they really wanted teams to be balanced they'd just apply an mmr such as in games like lol but i guess they dont really wanna focus on that thats why custom teams would be the better choice since it already includes random teams anyway (and random teams are still not random)
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mayu lettuce

Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: mommymayu
Auralock Dark Follower Raven SPEW Linked
I haven't really noticed many players complain in chat about the random team that they get put in, either in game or after the game. I guess there was this one instance that a player mentioned they didn't like their team then left halfway through the game. Other than that, there hasn't been much whinging that I've seen related to quabbleball and random teams.
Why would people trash talk their teammates/players publicly? I know for a fact when me/my friends are dissatisfied with our team's performance we chat privately through VCs or discord chats.

I know that it's not required in the game, but maybe if you notice your teammate having trouble or aimlessly flying around, then figure out their position and mention how they can left or right click to use their skill or to focus on a player.
Explaining everything out in chat while on a 5-minute timer is more than a waste of time. Especially when the player you're explaining to doesn't read/follow what you say, which is usually what happens (In my experience!).

I think the initial reason why randomized teams was wanted by players in the beginning is that choosing teams made the game unbalanced likely due to OP players that went on the same team.
True, but as I wrote in the post above, randomizing teams didn't change anything and generally made the game worse as players dragged down players on their own team. With or without random teams, the team with (or with more) good players will win so it would be much nicer if you could play with your friends while doing so. Random teams just have the added downside of random people joining your team that troll your game- that's why I'm suggesting this.

especially when there are other issues with the game itself.
Honestly though do you see them fixing anything about Quabbleball in the near future? Might as well have some fun with your friends while we're playing this broken game.


Minecraft IGN: egg_AV
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Vampire
I think random teams has streamlined the game a bit too, making it easier to just join instead of having to worry about who's on your team. It lets you adjust your strategy each time without having to play against the same people all over again - already knowing what the end result would be.
I think the initial reason why randomized teams was wanted by players in the beginning is that choosing teams made the game unbalanced likely due to OP players that went on the same team.
in theory, having random teams to ensure they're balanced makes sense, but in practice, it just doesn't work. the same players are often put together multiple games in a row, and you can almost always tell whos gonna win before the game starts. the teams will be unbalanced either way - that just the way it is in a 4v4. like mayu said, at least with choosable teams you can play with your friends and have more fun
I believe that there was also a #poll in discord a loooong time ago where a question about random teams was asked and tons of people chose random.
the player base and server are changing constantly so a poll that happened "a loooong time ago" is outdated. I've noticed more and more people game throwing and getting frustrated because the "random" selection puts them on the losing team and I think it needs to be addressed


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf Linked
the same players are often put together multiple games in a row, and you can almost always tell whos gonna win before the game starts. the teams will be unbalanced either way
I know that I took this out of context, but this is exactly how choosing teams worked out when quabbleball initially had it that way. I can already imagine how these teams will be like if quabbleball reverted back to choosing teams, especially with who's replying and liking stuff in this thread right now. Anyone (not me) that has replied to this thread so far is pretty much OP in the positions that they play. And you bring back the friends bit, you are, in a way, playing with your friends in the game, team or not.

I've noticed more and more people game throwing and getting frustrated because the "random" selection puts them on the losing team
I have seen the game throwing as well and it's usually from players that play quabbleball all the time. They would join and then then realise that losing is inevitable and eventually AFK or peace out of the game.

randomizing teams didn't change anything and generally made the game worse as players dragged down players on their own team. With or without random teams, the team with (or with more) good players will win so it would be much nicer if you could play with your friends while doing so
So what is it? You don't like randomizing teams because you can't play with your friends - even though they're still playing, but on the other team? Or you don't like randomizing teams because you end up on the losing team?

How I'm seeing this now is that a handful of players would prefer choosing teams likely due to these reasons:
1. They want to play with their friends (even though they technically are but are on opposing teams).
2. They hate losing so much because they think that they're carrying the team, but others on their team aren't doing much.
3. They just want to win, so when they choose their teams they'll likely go with the reliable players.

Anyway, there was a previous thread related to this one where staff replied. Unsure if any changes would happen, so yeah.


Minecraft IGN: Frebii
Griffin Phoenix SPEW Linked
I know that I took this out of context, but this is exactly how choosing teams worked out when quabbleball initially had it that way. I can already imagine how these teams will be like if quabbleball reverted back to choosing teams, especially with who's replying and liking stuff in this thread right now. Anyone (not me) that has replied to this thread so far is pretty much OP in the positions that they play.
I, as someone who's pretty much known the game since release, can assure you that the community and the active playerbase changed and probably will continue to change over the next months/years. Just because a lot of "experienced players" share the same opinion on bringing back custom teams doesn't mean games are gonne be more onesided than they are as of right now. Newer player are automatically getting better by playing more games and if theres a 5-6 player friend group in a 8 player game its obviously not possible to be on the same team. And right now games are still not actually random and you can still tell what team is gonna win before the game hasn't even started. It's impossible that teams are gonna be completely balanced every single game.

And you bring back the friends bit, you are, in a way, playing with your friends in the game, team or not.
There's a difference between playing with your friends than playing a game with your friends. If I play with my friends together we can practice combos and different position comps, you can't do that when they're not on your team obviously. By bringing back custom teams it brings back roleplay purposes in terms of creating your own qb team/group, and it also encourages teamplay combos etc (passing between passers for example or longer passes from defender to passer).

I have seen the game throwing as well and it's usually from players that play quabbleball all the time. They would join and then then realise that losing is inevitable and eventually AFK or peace out of the game.
I think a point of the problem is that people feel no point in playing because logically there is no way of them winning if they get outdrafted in every position. Although if we made this argument in custom teams and they were still playing with a friend or two the motivation of playing with your friends would probably keep them playing because there is a chance of improving and having fun together ;)

So what is it? You don't like randomizing teams because you can't play with your friends - even though they're still playing, but on the other team? Or you don't like randomizing teams because you end up on the losing team?

How I'm seeing this now is that a handful of players would prefer choosing teams likely due to these reasons:
1. They want to play with their friends (even though they technically are but are on opposing teams).
2. They hate losing so much because they think that they're carrying the team, but others on their team aren't doing much.
3. They just want to win, so when they choose their teams they'll likely go with the reliable players.

Anyway, there was a previous thread related to this one where staff replied. Unsure if any changes would happen, so yeah.
The first part has already been answered in my previous response and no we want custom teams because:
1. It encourages teamwork
2. The option of random teams is still available never the less
3. You can have fun with your friends and practice combos
4. You can host custom tournaments
5. You're more motivated to play since you know the people that are in your team
6. You can get friends of yours that aren't familiar with QB into the game and teach them first hand by playing along side with them
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Minecraft IGN: iSpitLikeALlama
Auralock Griffin Werewolf Linked


Minecraft IGN: Frebii
Griffin Phoenix SPEW Linked
i remember them saying theyre not gonna do that because qb struggles already with getting a game full


Minecraft IGN: Liyl
Auralock Dark Follower Serpent Linked
I know that I took this out of context, but this is exactly how choosing teams worked out when quabbleball initially had it that way. I can already imagine how these teams will be like if quabbleball reverted back to choosing teams, especially with who's replying and liking stuff in this thread right now. Anyone (not me) that has replied to this thread so far is pretty much OP in the positions that they play. And you bring back the friends bit, you are, in a way, playing with your friends in the game, team or not.

I have seen the game throwing as well and it's usually from players that play quabbleball all the time. They would join and then then realise that losing is inevitable and eventually AFK or peace out of the game.

So what is it? You don't like randomizing teams because you can't play with your friends - even though they're still playing, but on the other team? Or you don't like randomizing teams because you end up on the losing team?

How I'm seeing this now is that a handful of players would prefer choosing teams likely due to these reasons:
1. They want to play with their friends (even though they technically are but are on opposing teams).
2. They hate losing so much because they think that they're carrying the team, but others on their team aren't doing much.
3. They just want to win, so when they choose their teams they'll likely go with the reliable players.

Anyway, there was a previous thread related to this one where staff replied. Unsure if any changes would happen, so yeah.
I just want to say that most ppl who play qb find an equal balance between the fun of banding together and setting records and having fun EQUAL MATCHES!!

another thought, i've seen the way people act when choosing teams. i or some other good player will choose a team and all the random, less skilled players will tag along and fill up the team making it impossible for the rest of the good players to join the same team, automatically resulting in balanced team


Minecraft IGN: DenizTM
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire VIP SPEW Linked
Hey everyone!

I think this is a very good discussion, and a good one to have! You all bring up some very good points. I don't think there's a "right" or "wrong" answer in this situation, it's just figuring out what we want Quabbleball to be.

While some of these points have already been mentioned (ish), I want to reiterate some of them and elaborate a bit more:

The main reason we removed teams in Quabbleball was simply because it created a lot of unfairness. Those who were super good at the game, with hundreds of games under their belt, would stomp games and the opposite team would have no chance of victory. What I want you guys to imagine is this scenario: A new player wants to try our Quabbleball, waits 10-20 minutes in the queue, joins a game where e.g. Lily and Frebii join the same team.

Does this new player's team really have a chance of winning? Not really, right? Imagine how much it must suck as a first experience to: 1) wait 10-20 minutes for a game to even start 2) get destroyed that badly and already know the game is lost within the first minute 3) while trying to learn the game

It might not necessarily even be a new player. I myself used to join Quabbleball once in a while. I would see all the good players join the same team, and already know from the beginning that the game was lost. Yeah, I could get better, but when I get stomped on that badly, do I really even have the chance of having an enjoyable learning experience? Personally, I don't think so.

As a huge fan of team games, I completely understand the desire of wanting to be on the same team as your friends. I completely understand the thrill of communicating in a game, making combos/strategies and so much more - but the reality is we don't have the player count where we can provide a good experience for both teams - a team full of people who know each other and is very good vs. a team of people who are just playing Quabbleball to complete their daily tasks or just to have fun/try the game.

My personal fear is that by making implementing choosable teams, we make the game less desirable for the majority of the player base (the player who doesn't play Quabbleball frequently, but still plays it).

We're considering making a poll about this, so I'd love your guys' thoughts on if you think we should or not, but my fear with that is: Would each vote be equal? Would the vote of someone who never plays QB be equal to someone like Frebii's?

I'd love to hear your guys' thoughts on all this :)


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf Linked
We're considering making a poll about this, so I'd love your guys' thoughts on if you think we should or not, but my fear with that is: Would each vote be equal? Would the vote of someone who never plays QB be equal to someone like Frebii's?
Is there a way to add a quick vote survey at the end of each Quabbleball game?
Like a GUI that pops up or something in chat that players can click on?

Do you prefer random teams or choosing your own team for Quabbleball?
2. Choose

Doing a vote at the end of the Quabbleball game in chat could make sure that it's a player who has experienced the game and isn't some rando in the discord who doesn't know what qball is.
If there could be requirements for when the survey is shown to the player then that would help too.
For example, it could show up after a player has played 3 Quabbleball games?
I guess make sure that their vote only counts once in the tally - maybe make sure that it's not from an alt-account?
Enable them to still be able to choose an option if they change their mind?
Have the vote survey last for one or two months? Maybe create a Quabbleball event to encourage more people to play and hopefully get their input?


Minecraft IGN: TallBlondeDude
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
ok I’m going to break the mold here (sorry Mortes and other friends), I actually prefer random teams. I’m of the opinion no game of qb is unwinable, just a whole lot of luck at times, and I feel random teams creates more variation/fun/balance. Don’t shoot me mortes please

Edit: i do totally miss 4 stacking people and winning 730 - 0 so if it gets added that would be cool as well
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Jae ⊹₊ ⋆

Minecraft IGN: xMye
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Class Design SPEW Lead Arena Master Lead Linked Faerie
Hello @mayu lettuce!

Unfortunately this suggestion has been declined. The ability to choose teams was removed to allow for more fairness and to prevent one-sided games from happening all the time, as this is not very encouraging or motivating for newer players. This reasoning has not changed, but we may reconsider this in future or send out a poll if the quabbleball play count increases.

Thank you for making this suggestion. I hope you have a wonderful day:serpent: