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Bring back Potterworld Legend and suggestions for new dailies


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: SamuelTM
Griffin Phoenix Linked
Right now the daily activities seem very empty, they’re not challenging and most are easy to complete. They haven’t been touched for a long time now. Bringing back Potterworld Legend would bring back the challenge that the daily activities are now missing.
Of course, only adding Potterworld Legend would make it extremely easy to complete and still not challenging, so there is a need for new dailies as well.

First off, I believe that the Mob Hunting dailies should make a return. The new Mob Hunting dailies would be separated in 4 different categories: Levels 1-20, Levels 21-40, Levels 41-60 and Levels 61-80. Each of these categories would exist of 5 different dailies. Completing one daily would, like before, give a small amount of gold and experience. Completing a category would give you a medium amount of gold, experience and a couple of house points. Completing all categories would give you a large amount of gold, experience and about 5-10 house points.
It would look like this:

Category: Level 1-20

Kill 15 Wiggleworms (0/15)
Kill 10 Fairies (0/10)
Kill 8 Pixies (0/8)
Kill 10 Flame Crawlers (0/10)
Kill 5 Thestry‘s (0/5)

And about the same for every category.

The next section of daily activities I want to talk about is miscellaneous.
This section still exists, but is very lacking. It only has 5 different dailies. I think there should be at least 5 more.
Some of my ideas:

Attend one challenge. (I know there’s already one for classes, but classes and challenges have been growing really apart lately and I think they should also have separate dailies)

Buy 5 different items in shops around Hogsend and London. (0/5) (not counting the marketplace)

Pass the Trainer Quabble to your friends (0/5)

Collect Gold (0/1000)

Sell pieces of gear (0/10)

Fly 10km on your broom (0/10000) (or more if 10km isn’t a lot)

Buy items from the marketplace (1/3)

Complete different parkours around the map (0/5)

Harvest Plants (0/25)

Brew Potions (0/5)

Cook Food (0/5)

Potterworld Legend itself would ofcourse require you to complete all of these dailies, and in return give you a generous reward.
The reward would be the same as it was before the Revelius update. About 500 gold and 25 HP. It could also be possible to add a broadcast for the person who completed it. This would make it even more rewarding.
Overall I don’t see why new dailies and Potterworld Legend shouldn‘t be introduced to Potterworld.

Thank you for reading this suggestion! I spent a lot of time making it.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Mekala_
Honeybadger Auralock
Hiya @Samuel!

Thanks so much for your suggestion! I'm here to tell you that a similar suggestion has been brought up in the past and accepted. You can find the original thread here here. This player's suggestion was quite similar although with much less detail. Therefore I am going to mark this as a duplicate, but your additional suggestions and ideas will be taken into consideration.

Thank you once again for putting the time into this suggestion and have a fantastic day!