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Bring Back The Sr. Prefect NPC To Help New Students Navigate The School


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf
I was thinking about this idea that @SpoopyBirb suggested here: https://potterworldmc.com/threads/new-map-item.5465/
and I figured that parts of their idea could be used to bring back the Sr. Prefect NPC that was located at the Great Hall.

SpoopyBirb mentioned that particles could be used on a new map item which would help players locate specific points of interest in Hogsworth due to how difficult it can be to navigate the area.

The idea that I'm suggesting is to use the Sr. Prefect NPC as an alternative for the new map item that SpoopyBirb suggests to create, but continue to still use the particles idea in that suggestion.

This Sr. Prefect NPC would be the starting point for all of the "exploration particles" that appear on the ground and guide the player to the location that they selected from the NPC.
  • It would include all of the locations found on the 1st Year and 2nd Year Quests located in Hogsworth and the House Common Rooms.
  • The quest locations on the NPC would be locked but unlocked as the player progresses through their own quests.
  • The House Common Rooms would all be unlocked so anyone can use it.
  • The Sr. Prefect NPC could "guide" the player in their chat.
    • For example: When a player passes a specific spot along the exploration particles, the Sr. Prefect could say different phrases such as:
      • "Follow me, please!"
      • "This is the most direct path to the common room."
      • "Quick now, come on!"
      • Basically stuff that Percy Weasley said in the movies...
Essentially this idea is like SpoopyBirb's but requires the Sr. Prefect NPC to be brought back.


Minecraft IGN: d3ci
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Werewolf
Something really similiar to your thread was suggested by a poltergeist to the team a month ago, and recently it was declined because we think there are enough directions as signs or online map hints. We also would like to encourage exploring a little but not too much so we decided to still plan on adding more signs around the castle. Anyway, thank you for the detailed suggestion, it looks like you have put a lot of effort in it and we really appreciate it!


Minecraft IGN: xNyn
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW
This explanation doesn't fully make sense. If people are confused about where to go then there clearly aren't enough signs that show where to go... If people know how to get somewhere easier they will more likely go there (eXpLoRaTioN).