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Bug Fixes & Improvements [December 17th 2020]


Minecraft IGN: DenizTM
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire VIP SPEW Linked

Greetings everyone!

It sure has been quite a while since our last development patch notes post, but no need to worry! We’ve been working hard behind the scenes. Today’s patch notes post contains the release of the long awaited scoreboard, some tweaks to the game and what we’ve been working on behind the scenes. :)

The Scoreboard
I’m super excited to announce that we have finally released the Scoreboard that we announced a while ago. If you don’t remember what it looks like, here’s a screenshot.

This is toggleable through /me → settings. We plan on adding more to it and making it more customizable, so you can perhaps show when the next class starts.. the current house points scores… your quest objectives… who’s on your housing… and a lot more. This won’t be anytime soon though, but at least it’s planned! : - )

Scoreboard Credits:
  • DenizTM (me!) for writing the code for it
  • Zmooya, apaulled, AshTM, JustJada, DenizTM (me again!), KieranTM, Abstract_Magi, SysterTM for creating the regions that updates the locations

  • As I’m sure some of you have noticed, /t create now opens a GUI with a FAQ and an option to create a ticket. It’s much more interactive now, and hopefully gates some of the easy questions answered in the FAQ.
  • We’ve fixed the Mine Depot - apologies for the inconvenience with that one!
  • Laby Mod users can no longer use the voice chat addon on our server.
  • We've made the quests channel text color be &b, the grey color makes it very hard to stand out and players often get ignored / unnoticed because of this, and we think with the huge increase of players, this change might be beneficial and hopefully get them some answers faster, from both staff and players :)

What we’ve been working on
Since the very early days of Potterworld, we've been using a public plugin known as Essentials, some of you might have heard about it before - it's basically a command with a lot of essential (get it?) commands... like /fly, /vanish, /speed, etc.

For a lot of years now, we’ve been slowly replacing some of its commands… Basically, if you used a command that had orange/red text, it was from Essentials. /gm 1, for example, is our command, but /vanish is theirs. Essentials is a pretty well developed plugin with talented developers, but it's an extra resource to the server and if we need to change it for our own needs, we can’t.

Because of this, over the past couple of months, we’ve been hard at working replacing each command.. It might sound like an easy job, but the amount of commands were quite a lot, and there were a lot of bugs that needed to be fixed and testing that needed to happen.

This won’t affect any of you, it’s more of a change for our back-end, but I wanted to let you know nonetheless. This is why the mine depot broke a few days ago. It was because we released this huge batch of new commands and removed our old plugin, and the Mine Depot hadn't been updated to reflect this change.

So, if you guys don’t hear from us, it’s not because we’re not doing anything, it might just not be visible to you all. : - )

Nonetheless, I hope you guys enjoy today’s patch notes! I wish you all happy holidays and a happy new year - 2020 has not been the greatest, but we can all hope that 2021 is better :D


Minecraft IGN: 1psaonly
Dark Follower Serpent Linked
omg thank you so much for these gameplay updates!! i must say that all of these changes will definitely improve my gameplay experience and immersion!!! thank you so much potterworld staff for always keeping the potterworld community im mind when making these gameplay updates!!! i love potterworld so much and the potterworld server and potterworld community would not be the same without everyone's contribution!!! thank you so super duper much everyone for your hard work in the potterworld community!!!