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Butterbrew Festival 2019

The Butterbrew Festival has come to Hogsend once again with all new unique collectables and an exciting new challenge! Here's what's available this event:
- Purchase unique collectables at various shops around the festival.
- Play minigames and festive games to earn Event Tokens in order to purchase exclusive rewards.
- Attempt to complete the Butterbrew Trial Challenge to earn this event's scarf.

Thank you to all Game Design members who contributed to this event, and a special thanks to JustMaxHell for creating the build used for the Butterbrew Trial Challenge!

Enjoy the festivities! The event will remain open until October 14th.



New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Ascendo
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven SPEW Linked
My favorite event of the year! I can't wait to log on and experience it all. :giggle: