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Clearing housing plots!


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: simpingforjay
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire SPEW
After building my main part of my housing I came to the decision that I really don't like it, meaning I had to clear it manually which was very time consuming and tedious. So I came up with this suggestion to maybe add an option for housing to clear the whole plot, I do realise there may be some issues with that because you pay in game money for the blocks and when clearing you most likely wont get them back, but I really do think this would be a great addition to the housing part of this server!

*I have no idea if this was suggested before so it could be a duplicate but that was all :D

Alexa Zoldyck

Minecraft IGN: AlexShock
Auralock Dark Follower Serpent Vampire
Hey Hey Hey!

There is a thread about this already which can be found here! It on hold, and I believe is going to implement in the future!

~ LaceShocksux//Wobber_Zoldyck


Minecraft IGN: KipxSateee
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven SPEW Sr. Poltergeist
Hia Hoeqq, and Lacey,

Lacey brought up the right reference, thank you for that!

We appreciate your suggestion! It was indeed previously suggested in this thread, which is already planned and will be implemented sometime in the future! If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to reach out!

Regardless, I wish you a wonderful day :heart:

Kind regards,