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New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Imiya
Dark Follower Raven Linked

What I mean by this is, organizations, filling different niches, such as implementing clubs like for studying PW lore, or studying for Classes, or even simple clubs that relate to harry potter.

These clubs would entail things such as debate channels, VC sessions for discussion of said topic of clubs, resources, whether it be for mythology or whatever topic the club is, any sort of resource or help page would be needed aswell.

These clubs would be in their separate discords, or if that is not possible, then on the PW page, you would need to verify that you are atleast on the PW discord before joining a club discord.

All in all, this would be a great way to engage communities, and have a way to form more friendships.

These clubs would be ran by different staff members, whether it be a lore staff member, or just a simple player, creating a new branch for staff, club management


Minecraft IGN: Pankakes_81

If the website verification was required, there would have to be a staff member present on said Discord, who would also bear the responsibility for it, since, technically, it would make the fan server affiliated with the official one.
I myself joined the Discord months before I joined the game so requiring verification would just alienate some people imo.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Mekala_
Honeybadger Auralock
Hi @Meda!

Thank you for voicing your opinion on this topic! This suggestion has been brought up and has been accepted. You can find that thread here. Players will be able to run these clubs themselves. If this was run by staff we would have to moderate these clubs and that is not something that we would like to do. We will, however, be doing something similar with the upcoming guilds.

Thanks again and have a magical day!