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Dolohov Curse


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: za1ty
Staff Serpent Werewolf Arithmancer
Now this may have been suggested, I mave have suggested it myself too but here we go again o:. So the dolohov curse is a spell from the books, never shown in the movies and a lot of people may have forgotten it. It is a curse that flashes in purple and goes zigzag and is quiet dangerous as it is mentioned to have almost killed Hermione,

To my suggestion, add the spell as a sort of reward, maybe from soulessence as it would draw even more attention and motivation towards finnishing and grinding the gauntlet(s). It would be a curse and a skillshot, prefarably with out cast time as it would make curse more attractive to players. Now what could set this spell apart from others is if it would be dependant on the range. Either do more damage over long distances as a sniping spell or do more close range like a shotgun type spell. It would add to dueling in general as range right now does nothing special besides if a spell can reach or not. This would then implement accersio either as defensive or offensive depending if the spell is close or long range. It could also make you think twice while using spells such as ventimus, flipellius and propulso. Maybe have the player choose to have it as long or short range depending on their playstyle? Idk just a thought :)


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: EdenLovesMommy
Auralock Dark Follower Raven Linked
Now this may have been suggested, I mave have suggested it myself too but here we go again o:. So the dolohov curse is a spell from the books, never shown in the movies and a lot of people may have forgotten it. It is a curse that flashes in purple and goes zigzag and is quiet dangerous as it is mentioned to have almost killed Hermione,

To my suggestion, add the spell as a sort of reward, maybe from soulessence as it would draw even more attention and motivation towards finnishing and grinding the gauntlet(s). It would be a curse and a skillshot, prefarably with out cast time as it would make curse more attractive to players. Now what could set this spell apart from others is if it would be dependant on the range. Either do more damage over long distances as a sniping spell or do more close range like a shotgun type spell. It would add to dueling in general as range right now does nothing special besides if a spell can reach or not. This would then implement accersio either as defensive or offensive depending if the spell is close or long range. It could also make you think twice while using spells such as ventimus, flipellius and propulso. Maybe have the player choose to have it as long or short range depending on their playstyle? Idk just a thought :)
I stan


Minecraft IGN: Mireiia
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Linked
Hey there @zZalt !

Thank you for suggesting this, but you have suggested this yourself in the past! Your original thread is currently still under review, so unfortunately no decision has been made yet. We will be posting any updates on the original thread, so I definitely suggest keeping an eye on that thread if you're interested!

I will now be marking this as a duplicate. I hope you have a wonderful day!!