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Dragon Escape Minigame (PW Style)


Minecraft IGN: Pennox__
Serpent Linked

I was thinking that a Dragon Escape Minigame would be amazing to implement to the increasing number of mini games PW has to offer! It could be redesigned to fit a magical theme etc.

Those that haven’t played the game on other servers, here is a gameplay clip that I found on YouTube to give a better idea to show how entertaining it is:

It pretty much reminds me of the Gringotts scene in HPDH Part 2
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Minecraft IGN: MattyPoltergeist
Raven Werewolf Linked
I think this would be really cool and though it isn't that magical (apart from the dragon ofc), I feel like they could definitely add things along the way that are HP related (like items or maybe even spells). Would probably be a bit tricky to implement but ye sounds cool and the maps would probably be very nice as well. However i dont know if they will add it because theres already melting floor, wizards PE and the parkour around the map but i think they should definitely think about it

Tara Silvius

Minecraft IGN: SLGTara
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Sr. Game Designer Curse Breaker Linked Faerie
Hello @Pennox__!

Thank you for making your suggestion! I'll have it be brought up to the staff team, and from there, it'll go through discussion. Once a decision has been made, I'll send a response to you as soon as possible, so keep an eye out on your thread!

Hope you have a nice day!


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Mekala_
Honeybadger Auralock
Heya @Pennox__!

Thanks again for your suggestion! I'm happy to inform you that this has been accepted! Your thread has gotten a good amount of support and we know players have been asking for a parkour type minigame. We also think it's an interesting idea that can easily be modified to fit Potterworld a bit more, such as using spells while parkouring, and it might be something we can add to Party Games. However, it would require a lot of work so it is not high priority.

Have a fantastic day and take care of yourself!